This is the second and final part of the project where we wanted to build a replica of the navigation bar from Stripe. The way it works this effect is through sharing a background for all the dropdonws. For this it has to be calculate the size of the background according to the content of the dropdown as well as its position.
The process is very similar to the one showed in the Follow Along Lingk Highlighter exercise with the particularity that now our background element belongs to the navigation element rather to be a direct child of the body. This affects the way we calculate the coordinates of the background.
When the mouse hovers one of the hoverable elements, we add the styles and calculate the size and new coordinates for the background:
function handleEnter() {
setTimeout(() => this.classList.contains('trigger-enter') && this.classList.add('trigger-enter-active') , 150);
const dropdown = this.querySelector('.dropdown');
const dropdownCoords = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
const navCoords = nav.getBoundingClientRect();
const coords = {
height: dropdownCoords.height,
width: dropdownCoords.width,
top: -,
left: dropdownCoords.left - navCoords.left
}'width', `${coords.width}px`);'height', `${coords.height}px`);'transform', `translate(${coords.left}px, ${}px)`);
And once the mouse leaves the element we remove the classes:
function handleLeave() {
this.classList.remove('trigger-enter', 'trigger-enter-active');
- mouseenter
- mouseleave