The purpose of this Hands on Lab (HOL) is to have an understanding of how to:
- Install Docker Host and Docker CLI tools
- Build a custom Docker Image
- Push your custom Docker Image to a Docker Registry (this can be public/private Docker Hub or a private Azure Container Registry aka "ACR")
- Create an Azure App Service (Specifically a "Web App for Containers" Service)
- Deploy an instance of your custom Docker Image (container) to Azure App Service
- Create a webhook to update your Azure App Service when your custom Docker Image has been updated (new updates pushed to the Container Registry)
- Docker Hub can be replaced with Azure Container Registry (ACR). Use the directions to push an image to ACR instead of Docker Hub related commands in the lab below:
- You will require access to a native Linux Environment for this Hands on Lab (HOL)
You can skip this section if you use the virtual lab as we have pre-built Linux image
You will require access to a native Linux Enviroment for this Hands on Lab
You can use ONE (1) of the follow three (3) options:
1. Use your laptop with a Linux Distro installed (Preferably Ubuntu as per our examples below)
2. Windows Subsystem for Linux installed on your Windows 10 Laptop: Installation instructions [here](
3. A Linux VM on Azure: Click this [link]( to create a Ubuntu VM in Azure
- For ease of creation, use Password authentication instead of SSH Key
- Password must be min of 12 characters with at least one Uppercase, one numeric or special character
- Choose DS1V2 for Virtual machine size
- Once the machine is deployed successfully, make a note of the virtual machine's Public IP address
Download putty.exe ( ) locally on your laptop to SSH into the virtual machine
Open Putty.exe and enter the IP address in Host text field and click on Open
You will see an alert, click on Yes
Login with the credentials you configured during Step 1 (Create a Linux Bash Shell)
# if you use the lab machine, Docker is already installed.
# Run the following commands to set up Docker engine and CLI tools
# Update your repository manager
sudo apt-get update
# Install package dependencies
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# Add the docker gpg keys
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
# Install Docker CE
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
# Verify Docker Installation
sudo docker run hello-world
# Run git --version to check if git is installed. If not installed, then install git using sudo apt-get install git
# Create a folder and go to that folder
mkdir docker
cd docker
# Now Clone the repo locally
git clone
cd docker-django-webapp-linux
# You can edit the app by making changes to the html files under /app/templates/app folder. use vim [filepath] to open the file to edit. Here are commands if you are not familiar with vim
# Now build the image [Usage : docker build -t [Image Name]:[tag] Dockerfile Path]. Since you are inside docker-django-webapp-linux folder you can use . to select the docker file in the current working directory
sudo docker build -t starterapp:latest .
# Run docker images to see your image listed. Make a note of the IMAGE ID for your built image
sudo docker images
# Sample output:
django-starter-app latest <your_image_id> 18 minutes ago 735MB
# If you don’t have any account, create a new account
# If you have an account, in the putty.exe console type docker login (you must be connected to your Linux Server).
# Enter your credentials to login to docker hub.
# Now tag the locally built image to Docker Hub repo.
sudo docker tag <your_image_id> <your-docker-user-name>/starterapp:latest
# Now push the image to Docker Hub
sudo docker push <your-docker-user-name>/starterapp:latest
# You should see the repo created in your Docker Hub page
Login via portal and launch cloud shell
1. Launch Cloud Shell from the top navigation of the Azure portal
2. Select a subscription to create a storage account and Azure file share
3. Select "Create storage"
You are automatically authenticated for Azure CLI 2.0 in every session.
If you have multiple subscriptions, please use the following to choose the default subscription as the Azure Pass provided to you
az account set --subscription my-subscription-name
az group create --name myResourceGroup --location "West US"
# Use the [az appservice list-locations]( Azure CLI command to list available locations.
az appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-group myResourceGroup --sku S1 --is-linux
az webapp create --name <app_name> --resource-group myResourceGroup --plan myAppServicePlan --deployment-container-image-name <your-docker-user-name>/starterapp:latest
# Run this command
az webapp restart --resource-group myResourceGroup --name <your_app_name>
You can enable the continuous deployment feature using Azure CLI and executing the following command
az webapp deployment container config --name <app_name> --resource-group myResourceGroup --enable-cd true
# You can obtain the Webhook URL
az webapp deployment container show-cd-url -n <app_name> -g myResourceGroup
# For the Webhook URL, you need to have the following endpoint:
# You can obtain your publishingusername and publishingpwd by downloading the web app publish profile using the Azure portal.1
Go to your Docker Hub page , click Webhooks, then CREATE A WEBHOOK . With your webhook, you specify a target URL as created above https://<publishingusername>:<publishingpwd>@<sitename>
Go back to Azure Virtual machine to make more changes, for example: making a small text change in ./app/templates/app/index.html
Build the image and then push it to your Docker Hub repository. Follow the steps above to do the same