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Lettuce 5.1.0 RELEASE NOTES

The Lettuce team is pleased to announce the Lettuce 5.1.0 release! This release contains new features, bugfixes, and enhancements.

Most notable changes are:

  • Support for Redis Streams
  • Asynchronous pool implementation
  • SCAN streams, and initial
  • Global command timeouts (disabled by default)
  • Asynchronous connect methods for Master/Replica and Sentinel
  • Brave (OpenZipkin) tracing support
  • Lettuce build is now Java 11 compatible

We started efforts to adapt improvements in Redis terminology about Master/Replica with this release. This release ships documentation changes referring to the existing API as Master/Replica where possible.

We will introduce with the upcoming releases support for the new API methods (REPLICAOF) without breaking the public API. Expect breaking changes in a much later release which gives plenty of time to upgrade.

Find the full change log at the end of this document that lists all 108 tickets.

Thanks to all contributors who made Lettuce 5.1.0.RELEASE possible.

Lettuce requires a minimum of Java 8 to build and run and is compatible with Java 11. It is tested continuously against the latest Redis source-build.

If you need any support, meet Lettuce at

New Exceptions for Redis Responses

This release introduces new Exception types for the following Redis responses:

  • LOADING: RedisLoadingException
  • NOSCRIPT: RedisNoScriptException
  • BUSY: RedisBusyException

All exception types derive from RedisCommandExecutionException and do not require changes in application code.

Redis Streams

Redis 5.0 is going to ship with support for a Stream data structure. A stream is a log of events that can be consumed sequentially. A Stream message consists of an id and a body represented as hash (or Map<K, V>).

Lettuce provides access to Stream commands through RedisStreamCommands supporting synchronous, asynchronous, and reactive execution models. All Stream commands are prefixed with X (XADD, XREAD, XRANGE).

Stream messages are required to be polled. Polling can return either in a non-blocking way without a message if no message is available, or, in a blocking way. XREAD allows to specify a blocking duration in which the connection is blocked until either the timeout is exceeded or a Stream message arrives.

The following example shows how to append and read messages from a Redis Stream:

// Append a message to the stream
String messageId = redis.xadd("my-stream", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"));

// Read a message
List<StreamMessage<String, String>> messages = redis.xread(StreamOffset.from("my-stream", messageId));

redis.xadd("my-stream", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"));

// Blocking read
List<StreamMessage<String, String>> messages = redis.xread(XReadArgs.Builder.block(Duration.ofSeconds(2)), 

Redis Streams support the notion of consumer groups. A consumer group is a group of one or more consumers that tracks the last consumed Stream message and allows explicit acknowledgment of consumed messages.

// Setup stream, see
redis.xadd("my-stream", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"));

// Create consumer group
redis.xgroupCreate("my-stream", "my-group", "$");
redis.xadd("my-stream", Collections.singletonMap("key", "value"));

// Read stream messages in the context of a consumer
List<StreamMessage<String, String>> messages = redis.xreadgroup(Consumer.from("my-stream", "consumer1"),

// process message// Acknowledge message
redis.xack(key, "group", messages.get(0).getId());

Scan Stream

Lettuce 5.1 ships with a reactive SCAN stream API that allows reactive and demand-aware usage of Redis' SCAN commands. SCAN is an interator-based command that requires multiple round-trips to Redis to scan the keyspace or a particular data structure. Instead of calling SCAN from your application code, you can use ScanStream as entrypoint to SCAN, HSCAN, SSCAN, and ZSCAN operations. ScanStream returns a Flux that can be consumed as a single stream without the need of continuing the actual iteration. That's covered by Lettuce for you.

The LIMIT argument controls the batchsize. Demand (backpressure) is translated into cursor call. If you stop consuming the stream, no further SCAN calls are issued.

RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> reactive = redis.getStatefulConnection().reactive();

Flux<String> keys = ScanStream.scan(reactive, ScanArgs.Builder.limit(200));

Asynchronous non-blocking Connection Pooling

Right now, applications that utilize connection pooling in combination with a non-blocking API (asynchronous or reactive API users) are limited to Apache Commons Pool which is a blocking object pool implementation.

This release ships with non-blocking pooling support through AsyncPool that is obtained from AsyncConnectionPoolSupport. The pooling API allows for various implementations. As of Lettuce 5.1, a bounded pool is provided that allows limiting and that signals pool exhaustion by emitting NoSuchElementException.

The pooling API returns CompletableFuture instances to synchronize acquire and release operations. AsyncPool does not require external dependencies and features an improved performance profile in comparison to Apache Commons Pool 2. This non-blocking pooling API is not a replacement for the blocking pool although it's possible that may provide a blocking layer that exports the pooling functionality through org.apache.commons.pool2.ObjectPool.

The following example show how to use AsyncPool.

AsyncPool<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>> pool = AsyncConnectionPoolSupport.createBoundedObjectPool(
        () -> client.connectAsync(StringCodec.UTF8, uri),

// Acquire connection and do some work
CompletableFuture<StatefulRedisConnection<String, String>> acquire = pool.acquire();

acquire.thenAccept(connection -> {

    connection.async().set("key", "value").whenComplete((v, e) -> {

// later
CompletableFuture<Void> closeFuture = pool.closeAsync();

Global Command Timeouts

Lettuce can be used through various APIs. The most common one is the synchronous API which emulates blocking behavior on top of a reactive and non-blocking driver. A natural aspect of blocking APIs are timeouts when it comes to I/O. Using the asynchronous or reactive API do not have timeouts as there was no active component that tracked command runtime durations.

With Lettuce 5.1, you get the possibility to configure a global command timeout through ClientOptions and TimeoutOptions that can determine timeouts on a RedisCommand basis. This timeout applies on a command basis and completes commands with RedisCommandTimeoutException.

You can change the timeout on running connections through RedisURI.setTimeout(…), RedisClient.setDefaultTimeout(…), and StatefulConnection.setTimeout(…) if TimeoutOptions are enabled - global command timeouts are disabled by default.

TimeoutOptions timeoutOptions = TimeoutOptions.enabled(Duration.ofMinutes(1));


Add tracing support using Brave (OpenZipkin)

Lettuce now supports command tracing using Brave. Tracing can be configured through ClientResources. The parent span is propagated either through Tracing.currentTracer() (synchronous/asynchronous usage) or by registering a Brave Span in the Reactor context when using Reactive execution.

Lettuce wraps Brave data models to support tracing in a vendor-agnostic way if Brave is on the class path.

Usage example:

Tracing tracing = …;

ClientResources clientResources = ClientResources.builder().tracing(BraveTracing.create(tracing)).build();

RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(clientResources, redisUri);

StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = client.connect();

connection.sync().get(…) // Tracing tries to obtain the current tracer from Tracing.currentTracer()

connection.reactive().get(…) // Tracing tries to obtain the current tracer from Reactor's Context

A note on reactive Tracing: Reactive Tracing with Brave requires either a Span or a TraceContext object to be available in Reactor's Context.


  • Add AUTH option to MIGRATE command #733
  • Add MASTER type to KillArgs #760
  • Add support for ZPOPMIN, ZPOPMAX, BZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX commands #778
  • Add REPLACE option to RESTORE. #783 (Thanks to @christophstrobl)
  • Add support for CLIENT UNBLOCK #812
  • Support for approximate trimming in XAddArgs #846


  • Support for command timeouts (async, reactive) #435
  • Use object pooling for collections inside a single method and Command/CommandArgs with a small scope #459
  • Cancel commands after disconnect in at-most-once mode. #547
  • Add support for Redis streams #606
  • Introduce dedicated exceptions for NOSCRIPT and BUSY responses #620 (Thanks to @DaichiUeura)
  • Non-blocking connection pooling #631
  • Introduce fast-path publishing in RedisPublisher #637
  • Add reactive scanning #638
  • Asynchronous connection initialization #640
  • Create reusable abstraction for non-blocking and keyed connection provider #642
  • Expose asynchronous connect method for Master/Slave connections #643
  • Add SocketAddressOutput to directly parse SENTINEL get-master-addr-by-name output #644
  • Misleading wasRolledBack method #662 (Thanks to @graineri)
  • Read from random slave preferred #676 (Thanks to @petetanton)
  • Introduce exception to represent Redis LOADING response #682
  • Do not fail if COMMAND command fails on startup #685 (Thanks to @pujian1984)
  • Consider adding host/port mapper #689
  • CommandHandler.write() is O(N^2) #709 (Thanks to @gszpak)
  • Cluster topology lookup should not replaces self-node details with host and port from RedisURI when RedisURI is load balancer #712 (Thanks to @warrenzhu25)
  • Optimize Partitions/RedisClusterNode representation #715
  • Unnecessary copying of byteBuf in CommandHandler.decode() #725 (Thanks to @gszpak)
  • Add unknown node as trigger for adaptive refresh #732
  • Add tracing support using Brave (OpenZipkin) #782
  • Improve builders and resources with Java 8 default/static interface methods #791
  • ZSCAN match pattern encoding issue #792 (Thanks to @silvertype)
  • Accept brave.Tracing instead of brave.Tracer #798
  • Bind Master/Slave transactional commands to Master during an ongoing transaction #800
  • FutureSyncInvocationHandler the statement "command.get ()" in the handlerInvocation method is unnecessary #809 (Thanks to @zhangweidavid)
  • Fall back to initial seed nodes on topology refresh when dynamicRefreshSources is enabled #822 (Thanks to @stuartharper)
  • Assert Java 11 build compatibility #841


  • PING responses are not decoded properly if Pub/Sub connection is subscribed #579
  • Lettuce doesn't fail early & cleanly with a host in protected mode #608 (Thanks to @exercitussolus)
  • CommandHandler.rebuildQueue() causes long locks #615 (Thanks to @nikolayspb)
  • Request queue size is not cleared on reconnect #616 (Thanks to @nikolayspb)
  • BITPOS should allow to just specify start. #623 (Thanks to @christophstrobl)
  • HMGET proxy not working as expected #627 (Thanks to @moores-expedia)
  • Consider binary arguments using command interfaces as keys using binary codecs #628
  • Command.isDone() not consistent with CompletableFuture.isDone() #629
  • Race condition in RedisPublisher DEMAND.request() and DEMAND.onDataAvailable() #634 (Thanks to @mayamoon)
  • RedisPublisher.request(-1) does not fail #635
  • Capture subscription state before logging in RedisPublisher #636
  • Provide Javadoc path for Project Reactor #641
  • Debug logging of ConnectionWatchdog has wrong prefix after reconnect. #645 (Thanks to @mlex)
  • Cannot close connection when refreshing topology #656 (Thanks to @dangtranhoang)
  • Weights param should be ignored if it is empty #657 (Thanks to @garfeildma)
  • MasterSlave getNodeSpecificViews NPE with sync API #659 (Thanks to @boughtonp)
  • RandomServerHandler can respond zero bytes #660
  • ConcurrentModificationException when connecting a RedisClusterClient #663 (Thanks to @blahblahasdf)
  • Switch RedisSubscription.subscriber to volatile #664
  • Recovered Sentinels in Master/Slave not reconnected #668
  • Handling dead Sentinel slaves #669 (Thanks to @vleushin)
  • Move SocketAddressResolver resolution back to calling thread #670
  • Support SLAVE_PREFERRED at valueOf method #671 (Thanks to @be-hase)
  • RedisCommandTimeoutException after two subsequent MULTI calls without executing the transaction #673 (Thanks to @destitutus)
  • Fix ConnectionWatchDog won't reconnect problem in edge case #679 (Thanks to @kojilin)
  • At least once mode keeps requeueing commands on non-recoverable errors #680 (Thanks to @mrvisser)
  • Retain ssl/tls config from seed uris in Master/Slave context #684 (Thanks to @acmcelwee)
  • NOAUTH after full queue and reconnect #691
  • RedisURI.create("localhost") causes NPE #694
  • Async connect methods report original cause #708
  • Mono returned by RedisPubSubReactiveCommands#subscribe does not return result #717 (Thanks to @ywtsang)
  • RuntimeExceptions thrown by implementations of RedisCodec do not fail TransactionCommands #719 (Thanks to @blahblahasdf)
  • Connection Leak in Cluster Topology Refresh #721 (Thanks to @cweitend)
  • Ensure Master/Slave topology refresh connections are closed #723
  • RedisPubSubAdapter.message() being called with wrong channel #724 (Thanks to @adimarco)
  • Batched commands may time out although data was received #729
  • DefaultEndpoint future listener recycle lose command context on requeue failures #734 (Thanks to @gszpak)
  • AsyncPool, AsyncConnectionPoolSupport are nowhere to be found #739 (Thanks to @fabienrenaud)
  • firstResponseLatency is always negative #740 (Thanks to @nickvollmar)
  • EXEC does not fail on EXECABORT #743 (Thanks to @dmandalidis)
  • Warning when refreshing topology #756 (Thanks to @theliro)
  • DefaultEndpoint.QUEUE_SIZE becomes out of sync, preventing command queueing #764 (Thanks to @nivekastoreth)
  • DefaultEndpoint contains System.out.println(…) #765
  • Do not retry completed commands through RetryListener #767
  • MULTI is dispatched to slave nodes using SLAVE readFrom #779 (Thanks to @Yipei)
  • Reduce service name in BraveTracing to just Redis #797
  • Javadoc mentions Delay.exponential() is capped at 30 milliseconds #799 (Thanks to @phxql)
  • Read From Slaves is not working #804 (Thanks to @EXPEbdodla)
  • GEORADIUS WITHCOORD returns wrong coordinate on multiple results #805 (Thanks to @dittos)
  • RedisClusterCommands does not extend RedisStreamCommands #821
  • smembers returns elements in non-deterministic order #823 (Thanks to @alezandr)
  • StackOverflowError on ScanStream.scan(…).subscribe() #824
  • ZINCRBY member should be value-typed #826 (Thanks to @fuyuanpai)
  • Lua script execution containing non-ascii characters fails #844 (Thanks to @wenzuowei110)
  • RedisState fails to resolve CommandType for known commands #851


  • Upgrade to HdrHistogram 2.1.10 #653
  • Upgrade Redis versions on TravisCI #655
  • Upgrade to Log4j 2.11.0 #749
  • Extend documentation for argument objects #761
  • Upgrade to JavaParser 3.6.3 #769
  • Update What's new for Lettuce 5.1 in reference docs #777
  • Improve Javadoc of QUIT method #781
  • Upgrade to netty 4.1.29.Final #836
  • Upgrade to Reactor Bismuth-SR11 #838
  • Upgrade to Brave 5.2.0 #839
  • Upgrade to RxJava 2.2.2 #840
  • Upgrade to Commons Pool 2.6 #854
  • Upgrade to Mockito 2.22 #855
  • Upgrade to commons-lang3 3.8 #857
  • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.3.19 #858
  • Upgrade to Reactor Californium #859