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Frequently Asked Questions

yjxiong edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 14 revisions

Which platform is supported?

Currently, our modified Caffe toolbox and dense_flow toolbox only support Linux platform. You are welcome to make a PR if you manage to run them on Mac/Windows.

Data Preparation

####1. How can I generate the optical flow & the warped optical flow images?

####2. Cannot compile the dense_flow toolbox Dense flow relies on an additional dependency: libzip. Please use your package manager to install it.

Training TSN

####1. The Caffe toolbox reports some file missing, what can I do?

Testing TSN

####1. Caffe reports way lower accuracies in on-the-fly validation than what you guys reported, what's wrong? Easy, there is nothing wrong. The reported accuracy is video-level testing results using 25 frames per video. Please use the scripts provided to test your trained models and check the results again.



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