Burrow now ships with a web3 compliant RPC server to integrate with your favorite Ethereum tooling! We've already tried a few tools to ensure they work correctly, but if you have any problems please consider submitting a pull request.
Blockscout is a graphical blockchain explorer for Ethereum based networks. Before deploying the application, ensure to set the following environment variables so it can locate your local Burrow node.
export ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL=http://localhost:26660
Metamask is an open-source identity management application for Ethereum,
typically used as a browser extension. After creating or importing a supported secp256k1
key pair,
you can simply add Burrow to the list of networks.
Remix is a web-based integrated development environment for Solidity.
To deploy and run transactions, select Web3 Provider
as the Environment
and enter your local RPC
address when prompted.
Truffle makes it easy to develop smart contracts
with automatic compilation, linking and deployment. For a quick introduction, follow the official
tutorial and edit the config truffle-config.js
to point to your local node. To ensure Truffle uses this configuration, simply suffix all commands with
the flag --network burrow
module.exports = {
networks: {
burrow: {
host: "",
port: 26660,
network_id: "*"