Releases: yshavit/whatdid
Releases · yshavit/whatdid
Whatdid 0.1.7
- rewrote the autocomplete field — it's now at least an order of magnitude faster
- fixes and improvements to the find pane (⌘F in the "what are you working on now?" pane)
- fix the annoying bug where the autocomplete popup stays open on top of the "it's been a while" text
What's Changed
- add WdView to replace NSView as base class by @yshavit in #292
- fix export file default name by @yshavit in #293
- clean up GH actions buildscripts by @yshavit in #294
- optionally run UI tests by @yshavit in #295
- check for TODOs by @yshavit in #296
- add timer for autocomplete loading by @yshavit in #298
- rewriting the autocompleting text field by @yshavit in #297
- Fix dangling popup by @yshavit in #299
- fix autocomplete scroll bars by @yshavit in #300
- add data gen to UiTestWindow by @yshavit in #301
- fix the find pane by @yshavit in #302
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
Whatdid 0.1.6
What's Changed
- day-end report: highlight the project text when you hover over the timeline visualization, and vice versa
- day-end report: fill in empty segments (for skipped sessions) with a slanted-dashed line pattern, so they don't just look like gray segments
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
Whatdid 0.1.5
Whatdid 0.1.4
- added a timeline in the daily summary view that shows you when you worked on each project; this lets you visualize fragmentation within your day.
- added the ability to search across all projects and tasks
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
Whatdid 0.1.3
- UI tweaks
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
Whatdid 0.1.2
- improve date range picker: it now remembers the custom range you select if you want to re-select one
- new window for seeing larger task summaries (e.g. to view a year's worth of stuff)
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
Whatdid 0.1.1
minor update: let users opt out of alpha releases
Whatdid 0.1.0
At long last, a release I feel comfortable releasing!
This release includes an updater, so at least people will get the latest as I further improve things.
Relative to v0.0.1, this release also adds the ability to export data. I found this particularly useful when doing my end-of-year self evaluation, as it gave me a nice little rollup of my accomplishments. The day-end reporter barfed at that much data. :-)
Full Changelog: v0.0.1-alpha.1...v0.1.0