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AWS Marketplace subscriptions

Linux based ECS optimized instance with embedded Zebrunner tuning for scalable and reliable browser images usage

Windows based ECS optimized instance with embedded Zebrunner tuning for scalable and reliable browser images usage

AWS Infrastructure

Replace all {Env}, {Account}, {Region} vars in the next paragraph and corresponding json files.


  1. Create e3s role, policy and instance-profile
  • aws iam create-role --role-name e3s-{Env}-role --assume-role-policy-document file://e3s-ec2-assume-document.json
  • aws iam create-policy --policy-name e3s-{Env}-policy --policy-document file://e3s-policy.json
  • aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name e3s-{Env}-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::{Account}:policy/e3s-{Env}-policy
  • aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name e3s-{Env}-role
  • aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name e3s-{Env}-role --role-name e3s-{Env}-role
  1. Create e3s agent role, policy and instance-profile
  • aws iam create-role --role-name e3s-{Env}-agent-role --assume-role-policy-document file://e3s-ec2-assume-document.json
  • aws iam create-policy --policy-name e3s-{Env}-agent-policy --policy-document file://e3s-agent-policy.json
  • aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name e3s-{Env}-agent-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::{Account}:policy/e3s-{Env}-agent-policy
  • aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name e3s-{Env}-agent-role
  • aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name e3s-{Env}-agent-role --role-name e3s-{Env}-agent-role
  1. Create e3s task role and policy
  • aws iam create-role --role-name e3s-{Env}-task-role --assume-role-policy-document file://e3s-ecs-assume-document.json
  • aws iam create-policy --policy-name e3s-{Env}-task-policy --policy-document file://e3s-task-policy.json
  • aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name e3s-{Env}-task-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::{Account}:policy/e3s-{Env}-task-policy

AWS Cluster

  1. Encode user data (linux or/and windows) to base64. Make sure that {VpcCidrBlock} is specified for -AwsvpcAdditionalLocalRoutes flag in windows userdata.

  2. Create launch template. In file://e3s-launch-template.json file should be additionally specified Zebrunner Selenium Grid Agent Ami Id, Key Name, Security Group Id and encoded userdata from previouse step.

  • aws ec2 create-launch-template --launch-template-name e3s-{Env}-launch-template --cli-input-json file://e3s-launch-template.json
  • aws ec2 describe-launch-template-versions --launch-template-name e3s-{Env}-launch-template
  1. Create auto scaling group. Additionly in file://e3s-asg.json file should be specified Availability Zones, Subnets and compute optimized instance types (Recommended min instance type is c5a.2xlarge).
  • aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name e3s-{Env}-asg --cli-input-json file://e3s-asg.json
  • aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --auto-scaling-group-names e3s-{Env}-asg
  1. Create capacity provider. Insert arn of newly created autoscaling group into file://e3s-capacityprovider.json file.
  • aws ecs create-capacity-provider --name e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider --cli-input-json file://e3s-capacityprovider.json
  • aws ecs describe-capacity-providers --capacity-providers e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider
  1. Create cluster
  • aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name e3s-{Env} --capacity-providers e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider --default-capacity-provider-strategy capacityProvider=e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider,weight=1
  • aws ecs describe-clusters --clusters e3s-{Env} --include ATTACHMENTS
  1. Disable scaling policy
  • aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --auto-scaling-group-name e3s-{Env}-asg --policy-name ECSManagedAutoScalingPolicy-{Uuid} --policy-type TargetTrackingScaling --target-tracking-configuration "{ "CustomizedMetricSpecification": { "MetricName": "CapacityProviderReservation", "Namespace": "AWS/ECS/ManagedScaling", "Dimensions": [{ "Name": "CapacityProviderName", "Value": "e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider" }, { "Name": "ClusterName", "Value": "e3s-{Env}"}], "Statistic": "Average"}, "TargetValue": 100.0, "DisableScaleIn": false }" --no-enabled
  1. [Optional] Add crons for min/max capacity upgrade
  • daily-mode, cron 0 6 * * 1-5

    • aws autoscaling put-scheduled-update-group-action --auto-scaling-group-name e3s-{Env}-asg --scheduled-action-name daily-mode --recurrence "0 6 * * 1-5" --min-size 1 --max-size 30 --time-zone Etc/UTC
  • nightly-mode, cron, 0 18 * * *

    • aws autoscaling put-scheduled-update-group-action --auto-scaling-group-name e3s-{Env}-asg --scheduled-action-name nightly-mode --recurrence "0 18 * * *" --min-size 0 --max-size 30 --time-zone Etc/UTC

E3S configuration

E3S server's instance requriements


  • Network optimized instance m5n.large+
  • Configured IMDSv2 (HttpPutResponseHopLimit=2)


  • Installed Docker v19+
  • Installed Docker compose plugin v2+
  • [Optional] Installed jq and aws cli for ./scripts support

Env files

Supported env vars are differ from version to version for scaler and router images.


Required variables

  • AWS_REGION={Region}
  • AWS_CLUSTER=e3s-{Env}
  • AWS_TASK_ROLE=e3s-{Env}-task-role

Optional variables

  • RESERVE_INSTANCES_PERCENT - Additional weight capacity reservation percent. Default value = 0.25.
  • RESERVE_MAX_CAPACITY - Max number of additional weight capacity reservation. Default value = 5.
  • INSTANCE_COOLDOWN_TIMEOUT - Time after instance start when shutdown is prohibited on scale down in time.Duration format. Default value = 4 min.
  • EXCLUDE_BROWSERS - Excludes selected browser images from registering them as a task definition. Default value = empty.
  • LOG_LEVEL - Desired log level. Valid levels: panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace. Default value = debug.
  • MAX_MEMORY - Max amount of memory for a single task. Must not be higher then the smallest instance type memory value from all autoscaling groups. Default value = 28675
  • MAX_CPU - Max amount of cpu for a single task. Must not be higher then the smallest instance type cpu value from all autoscaling groups. Default value = 16384
  • IDLE_TIMEOUT - Session idle timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 1 min
  • MAX_TIMEOUT - Maximum valid task/session timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 24 hours


Required variables

  • AWS_REGION={Region}
  • AWS_CLUSTER=e3s-{Env}
  • USE_PUBLIC_IP=true/false. Default value = false
  • AWS_TASK_ROLE=e3s-{Env}-task-role
  • AWS_LINUX_CAPACITY_PROVIDER=e3s-{Env}-capacityprovider - should be specified at least on of linux or windows values.
  • AWS_WIN_CAPACITY_PROVIDER=e3s-{Env}-win-capacityprovider - should be specified at least on of linux or windows values.
  • AWS_TARGET_GROUP=e3s-{Env}-tg - Target group name
  • S3_BUCKET=zebrunner.{Env}-engine
  • S3_REGION={Region}

Optional variables

  • EXCLUDE_BROWSERS - Excludes selected browser images from registering them as a task definition. Default value = empty.
  • LOG_LEVEL - Desired log level. Valid levels: panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace. Default value = debug.
  • MAX_MEMORY - Max amount of memory for a single task. Must not be higher then the smallest instance type memory value from all autoscaling groups. Default value = 28675
  • MAX_CPU - Max amount of cpu for a single task. Must not be higher then the smallest instance type cpu value from all autoscaling groups. Default value = 16384
  • IDLE_TIMEOUT - Session idle timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 1 min
  • MAX_TIMEOUT - Maximum valid task/session timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 24 hours
  • SERVICE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT - Task and session startup timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 10 min
  • SESSION_DELETE_TIMEOUT - Session delete timeout in time.Duration format. Default value = 30 sec

E3S server process management

Recomended to use preinstalled ./ script:

Usage: ./ [option]
          --help | -h                       Print help
      	  start     [data|service] <name>         Start containers for selected layers
      	  stop      [data|service] <name>         Stop containers for selected layers
      	  down      [data|service] <name>         Stop and remove containers for selected layers
      	  shutdown  [data|service] <name>         Stop, remove containers, clear volumes for selected layers
      	  restart   [data|service] <name>         Down and start containers for selected layers
      	  status                                  Show all containers statuses
          tasks     [list|stop]                   List all tasks or stop them
      	  describe  [cluster|instance|task]       Describe selected items
          instances [list]                        All cluster's container-instances list


  • Start e3s server: ./ start
  • Restart only service layer: ./ restart service
  • Stop redis service: ./ stop data redis