Convert remaining struct members to LUTs for performance
- pattern_ptr
- status
- global_duration
- row_delay_counter
- base_note
- base_frequency
- relative_frequency
- detuned_frequency
- channel_volume
- instrument_volume
- instrument_duty
- selected_instrument
- pitch_effects_active
- note_delay
Implement major effects
- 4xy vibrato
- 1xx, 2xx: continuous slide
- Qxy, Rxy targeted semitone note slide
- 3xx automatic note slide (portamento)
- 0xy arpeggio
- 7xy tremolo
- Axy volume slide
Implement minor effects
- Fxx tempo change
- Sxx delayed note cut
- Dxx skip to next frame + xx rows
Work on a tool to redistribute DPCM samples into single banks, with sizes other than 4k*
Dn-FamiTracker now sorta, kinda supports this in a branch