% Test-Driven Development of a Unification Algorithm % Simon Meier, Digital Asset % September, 2018
- learned about Haskell during my ETH CS studies (2003)
- first "commercial" Haskell development during PhD (2007 - 2012)
- Haskell engineer at Better AG (2013 - 2014)
- post-doctoral researcher at IBM Research (2014 - 2015)
- Haskell engineer at Elevence Digital Finance AG (2015 - 2016)
- Haskell engineer and language engineering lead at Digital Asset (since 2016)
Unification Theory + TDD + Property-based Testing
- key algorithm in symbolic reasoning: theorem provers, type inference, symbolic math
Prelude> let foo x = [x, Just x]
<interactive>:4:17: error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ Maybe a
• In the expression: Just x
In the expression: [x, Just x]
In an equation for ‘foo’: foo x = [x, Just x]
• Relevant bindings include
x :: a (bound at <interactive>:4:9)
foo :: a -> [a] (bound at <interactive>:4:5)
- Given variables V and constructors C
- Define first-order terms T as smallest set closed under
- v ∈ T for every v ∈ V
- c(t₁, …, tₙ) for every c ∈ C and t₁, …, tₙ ∈ T
Variables: a
, b
, c
Constructors: Int
, Char
, FunArr
, Maybe
, Pair
Example Terms:
| Term | Haskell type |
| | |
| Int() | Int |
| | |
| a | a |
| | |
| Maybe(Pair(b,a)) | Maybe (b, a) |
| | |
| FunArr(a, FunArr(b, c)) | a -> b -> c |
| | |
| Char(Int(),Int()) | Char Int Int -- ill-kinded type |
| | |
- substitions map finite sets of variables x₁, …, xₖ to terms t₁, …, tₖ
- written as { x₁ ↦ t₁, …, xₖ ↦ tₖ }
- applying substitution σ to term t
- postfix notation: tσ
- t { x₁ ↦ t₁, …, xₖ ↦ tₖ } means to simultaneously replace every xᵢ in t by tᵢ
Int {b ↦ a} == Int
(Pair(a, b)){b ↦ Int} == Pair(a,Int)
(Pair(a, b)){b ↦ a, c ↦ d} == Pair(a,a)
Given terms t₁ and t₂, determine existence of substitution σ such that t₁σ = t₂σ.
a ~ Int solved by {a ↦ Int}
Int ~ Maybe a unsolvable
a ~ Maybe a unsolvable
Pair(a,b) ~ Maybe(a) unsolvable
Pair(Int) ~ Pair(Int, Int) unsolvable
Pair(a,b) ~ Pair(a, Int) solved by {b ↦ Int} and {a ↦ Int, b ↦ Int}
Pair(a,b) ~ Pair(b, Int) solved only by {a ↦ Int, b ↦ Int}
Pair(a,b) ~ Pair(b,a) solved by {a ↦ b} and {b ↦ a} and others
- usually one is interested in the most-general unifier
- Given terms t₁ and t₂, determine existence of substitution σ such that
- t₁σ = t₂σ and
- for all other substitutions ρ with t₁ρ = t₂ρ there exists a substitution τ with ρ = τ ∘ σ.
- Given terms t₁ and t₂, determine existence of substitution σ such that
- further reading Franz Baader and Wayne Snyder (2001). "Unification Theory".
- systematic process for writing testable code that is tested
- caveat: tests are often an incomplete specification
- 2017 - Automatic repair of real bugs in java: a large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset:
- 9 correct auto-repairs out of
- 47 test-suite passing auto-generated patches
- out of a total of 224 failing tests
- 2017 - Automatic repair of real bugs in java: a large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset:
unify :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Subst
- property: ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇔ (∃ σ'.
t₁ t₂ =Just
σ' ∧ t₁σ' = t₂σ')
- assume properties have many, small(ish) counter-examples
- replace universal quantifiers by random sampling
- replace existential quanitifers by functions computing witnesses
- beware of sampling bias
- not all properties have small(ish) counter-examples
- corner cases can be very hard to sample
- exponentially large spaces are LARGE
- no replacement for unit tests
- Create new project and install
stack new tdd-unif
cd tdd-unif
stack install ghcid
Remove executable stanza from
Start repl, automatic test loop, and code coverage
stack repl --test
ghcid --command='stack repl --test' --test=':main'
stack test --coverage --file-watch
- Write first test :-)
original property:
- ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇔ (∃ σ'.
t₁ t₂ =Just
σ' ∧ t₁σ' = t₂σ')
- ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇔ (∃ σ'.
equivalent to conjunction of
- ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇒ (∃ σ'.
t₁ t₂ =Just
σ' ∧ t₁σ' = t₂σ') - ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇐ (∃ σ'.
t₁ t₂ =Just
σ' ∧ t₁σ' = t₂σ')
- ∀ t₁ t₂. (∃ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ) ⇒ (∃ σ'.
equivalent to conjunction of
- ∀ t₁ t₂ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ ⇒ (∃ σ'.
t₁ t₂ =Just
σ' ∧ t₁σ' = t₂σ') - ∀ t₁ t₂.
t₁ t₂ =Nothing
⇒ (∀ σ. t₁σ ≠ t₂σ)
- ∀ t₁ t₂ σ. t₁σ = t₂σ ⇒ (∃ σ'.
- works for writing testable code that is tested
- no replacement for understanding the problem domain
- testing
- sampling bias is real => use unit tests and property based tests
- incomplete specifications leave room for wrong implementations
- for adverserial settings: consider proofs
- implementing unification algorithms requires diligence and care
Tools and Infrastructure Software Engineer at Digital Asset (NYC, LON, BUD, ZRH)
- development infrastructure as code
- tooling: Python and Haskell
- build: Buck/Bazel, Nix, SBT, Haskell’s Stack, and yarn
- CI: Jenkins, Hydra
- infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, and Docker
Language Engineer at Digital Asset (NYC, ZRH)
- DAML language tools: IDE, compiler, RTS, testing and analysis
- implemented in: Haskell, Scala, TypeScript
e-mail inquiries to Grace Pfisterer
σ ⊢ t₁₁ ~ t₁₂, ..., tₖ₁ ~ tₖ₂ there exists a substitution ρ such that (tᵢ₁σ)ρ = (tᵢ₂σ)ρ for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k
Rewriting rules
1. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ t₂, E → σ ⊢ t₁σ ~ t₂σ, E if t₁σ ≠ t₁ or t₂σ ≠ t₂
2. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ t₂, E → σ ⊢ E if t₁ = t₂
3. σ ⊢ x₁ ~ t₂, E → σ, x₁ ↦ t₂ ⊢ E
4. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ x₂, E → σ ⊢ x₂ ~ t₁, E
4. σ ⊢ c₁(t₁₁, …, t₁ₖ) ~ c₂(t₂₁, …, x₂ₗ), E
→ σ ⊢ t₁₁ ~ t₂₁, …, t₁ₖ ~ t₂ₗ, E if c₁ = c₂ and k = l
5. σ ⊢ c₁(t₁₁, …, t₁ₖ) ~ c₂(t₂₁, …, x₂ₗ), E
→ ⊥ if c₁ ≠ c₂ or k ≠ l
Rewriting rules
1. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ t₂, E → σ ⊢ t₁σ ~ t₂σ, E if t₁σ ≠ t₁ or t₂σ ≠ t₂
2. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ t₂, E → σ ⊢ E if t₁ = t₂
3. σ ⊢ x₁ ~ t₂, E → {x₁ ↦ t₂} ∘ σ ⊢ E if x₁ ∉ vars(t₂)
3. σ ⊢ x₁ ~ t₂, E → ⊥ if x₁ ∈ vars(t₂)
4. σ ⊢ t₁ ~ x₂, E → σ ⊢ x₂ ~ t₁, E
4. σ ⊢ c₁(t₁₁, …, t₁ₖ) ~ c₂(t₂₁, …, x₂ₗ), E
→ σ ⊢ t₁₁ ~ t₂₁, …, t₁ₖ ~ t₂ₗ, E if c₁ = c₂ and k = l
5. σ ⊢ c₁(t₁₁, …, t₁ₖ) ~ c₂(t₂₁, …, x₂ₗ), E
→ ⊥ if c₁ ≠ c₂ or k ≠ l