> rugby build pre --help
> Prebuild targets ignoring sources.
│ -s, --sdk * Build SDK: sim or ios. │
│ -a, --arch * Build architecture: auto, x86_64 or arm64. │
│ -c, --config * Build configuration. (Debug) │
│ -t, --targets [] * Targets for building. Empty means all targets. │
│ -g, --targets-as-regex [] * Targets for building as a RegEx pattern. │
│ -e, --except [] * Exclude targets from building. │
│ -x, --except-as-regex [] * Exclude targets from building as a RegEx pattern. │
│ -o, --output * Output mode: fold, multiline, silent, raw. │
│ --strip * Build without debug symbols. │
│ -v, --verbose [] * Increase verbosity level. │
│ -q, --quiet [] * Decrease verbosity level. │
│ -h, --help * Show help information. │
The command keeps only phases before Sources
and then builds the project.
Sometimes targets have "Generate something" build phases going before Sources
And it's important to finalize source code before running full build process.
Otherwise, we will encounter the situation when target hashes are changed during building.
And 🏈 Rugby will not be able to reuse them.