Little Website to visualize the current weather and forecast. Specially designed for the pimatic iframe plugin. To use this little website, you need a wunderground account and a api key (see to get yours).
Either use a webserver on your Raspberry Pi or upload the files to your personal webspace.
The first thing you have to do, is to edit the weather.js and the forecast.js file. In line 3 you can find the url, which is used to get the current conditions and the weather forecast. You have to edit the sections:
<your api-key>
<language code>
For the language codes have a look at
To change the units from Celcius to Fahrenheit, you have to edit the following code:
In weather.js:
- line 8 from
var temp = r.current_observation.temp_c;
tovar temp = r.current_observation.temp_f;
In forecast.js:
- line 7 from
var forecast_str = r.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].fcttext_metric;
tovar forecast_str = r.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].fcttext;
- line 8 from
var temp_high = r.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius
tovar temp_high = r.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.fahrenheit
- line 9 from
var temp_low = r.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius;
tovar temp_low = r.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.fahrenheit;
In index.html:
- line 30, 50 and 52 edit the text
Note: The css is optimized for the mobile-frontend. Feel free to change the code.
Thanks to the guys from @pimatic/pimatic for the great work and @Oitzu/pimatic-iframe for the pimatic-iframe plugin!