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Repository files navigation


The specific usage is similar to that provided by pocketbase.


  • List/Search
  • View
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Realtime
  • Auth
  • File upload


Demo App Design Reference Youtuber Kavsoft's SwiftUI Social Media App


Getting Started

As you are all aware

Make sure to enable PocketBase first, please refer to pocketbase for specific usage methods


Swift Package Manager

  1. Insert url of this SPM in your XCode Project with File → Add Package → Copy Dependency.
  2. Because of EventSource, you can only choose to use branch main at present.
  1. Import the framework:
import PocketBase


Application url

let client = PocketBase<User>() // default is
let client = PocketBase<User>(host: "https://your_domain")

Custom authStore

If you want to customize the default authStore(User), you can extend it and pass a new custom struct to the client:

struct CustomUser: AuthModel { // implement AuthModel
  var id: String?
  var collectionId: String?
  var collectionName: String?
  var created: String?
  var updated: String?
  var username: String?
  var verified: Bool?
  var emailVisibility: Bool?
  var email: String?
  var name: String?
  var avatar: String?
  var deactivation: Bool?

let client = PocketBase<CustomUser>()

print(client.authStore.model?.deactivation ?? false)


struct ChartTestApp: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        .environmentObject(PocketBase<User>()) // <-- 1

struct ContentView: View {
  @EnvironmentObject var client: PocketBase<User> // <-- 2

  var body: some View {
    // ...


struct ContentView: View {
  let client = PocketBase<User>() // choose one of three
  @StateObject var client = PocketBase<User>() // choose one of three
  @ObservedObject var client = PocketBase<User>() // choose one of three

  var body: some View {
    // ...


struct Post: Codable, Identifiable { // or implement BaseModel
  var id: String?
  var title: String

extension Post {
  init(dictionary: [String: Any]) throws {
    self = try JSONDecoder().decode(Self.self, from: dictionary))

Task {
  // getList
  let dic = await client.collection("posts").getList() // return type of [String : Any]?

  if let dic {
    let err = try? ErrorResponse(dictionary: dic)
    // Handle errors such as status code 400 404 
    if err == nil, let result: ListResult<Post> = try? Post(dictionary: dic) {

  // or 

  let posts: ListResult<Post>? = await client.collection("posts").getList()
  if let listResult: ListResult<Post> = await client.collection("posts").getList() {
    self.posts = listResult.items

  // getFullList
  let posts: [Post] = await client.collection("posts").getFullList(batch: 200, filter: "created<'2022-12-26 11:10:08'", sort: "-created")

  // getFirstListItem
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").getFirstListItem()
  if let post: Post = await client.collection("posts").getFirstListItem() {
    // ...


Task {
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").getOne(id: "RECORD_ID")


Task {
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").create(["title": "hello pocketbase"])
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").create(Post(title: "hello pocketbase"))

  // If you wanna upload file you should add MultipartFormData in your sturct.
  // And use File struct.
  // Like: 
  struct PostRequest: Codable, Identifiable, MultipartFormData { // <- Add MultipartFormData
    var id: String?
    var title: String
    var image: File // <- This
    var imageOptional: File? // Optional
    var images: [File] // <- Or like this
    var imagesOptional: [File]? // Optional

  let file = File(mimeType: "image/jpeg", filename: "img1", data: photoDataOrOtherData)

  // Upload post with image file
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").create(PostRequest(title: "hello pocketbase", image: file, images: [file, file, file]))

  // Download URL is

  // returns something like:
  if let record: [String: Any] = await client.collection("posts").getOne(id: "amqb484dme8ujz4") {
    let filename = record["image"] as! String
    print(client.getFileUrl(record, filename))
  // or struct Post implement BaseModel
  struct Post: Codable, BaseModel { // <- BaseModel is required
    var id: String?
    var collectionId: String?
    var collectionName: String?
    var created: String?
    var updated: String?
    var title: String
    var image: String
    var imageOptional: String?
    var images: [String]
    var imagesOptional: [String]?

  // returns something like:
  if let record: Post = await client.collection("posts").getOne(id: "amqb484dme8ujz4") {
    let filename = record.image
    print(client.getFileUrl(record, filename, query: ["thumb": "200x200"]))


Task {
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").update("RECORD_ID", body: ["title": "hello pocketbase"])
  let post: Post? = await client.collection("posts").update("RECORD_ID", body: Post(title: "hello pocketbase"))


Task {
  let dic = await client.collection("posts").delete("RECORD_ID")


// Subscribe to changes only in the specified record
client.collection("posts").subscribe("RECORD_ID") { dict in

// Subscribe to changes in any posts record
client.collection("posts").subscribe("*") { dict in
  if let result: Event<Post> = try? Utils.dictionaryToStruct(dictionary: dict ?? [:]) { // Optional: Event<Type> Can use
    switch result.action {
    case .create:
    case .update:
      if let row = self.posts.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
        self.posts[row] = result.record
    case .delete:
      self.posts = self.posts.filter { $ != }

// Unsubscribe
client.collection("posts").unsubscribe("RECORD_ID") // remove all "RECORD_ID" subscriptions
client.collection("posts").unsubscribe("*") // remove all "*" topic subscriptions
client.collection("posts").unsubscribe() // remove all subscriptions in the collection


Task {
  // authWithPassword
  let _ = await client.collection("users").authWithPassword("[email protected]", "12345678")
  let response: AuthResponse<User>? = await client.collection("users").authWithPassword("[email protected]", "12345678")


  // "logout" the last authenticated account

  // authWithOAuth2
  let _ = await client.collection("users").authWithOAuth2(.google, code: "CODE", codeVerifier: "VERIFIER", redirectUrl: "REDIRECT_URL")

  // authRefresh
  let _ = await client.collection("users").authRefresh()

  // requestVerification
  let _ = await client.collection("users").requestVerification("email")

  // requestPasswordReset
  let _ = await client.collection("users").requestPasswordReset("email")

  // requestEmailChange
  let _ = await client.collection("users").requestEmailChange("email")

  // listAuthMethods
  let authMethods: AuthMethods? = await client.collection("users").listAuthMethods()

  // listExternalAuths
  let authMethod: [AuthMethod] = await client.collection("users").listExternalAuths("id")

  // unlinkExternalAuth
  let _ = await client.collection("users").unlinkExternalAuth("id", provider: .google)



// "logout" the last authenticated account


// MARK: - List/Search
func getList(page: Int, perPage: Int, filter: String, sort: String, expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func getList<R: Codable>(page: Int, perPage: Int, filter: String, sort: String, expand: String) async -> ListResult<R>?
func getFullList<R: Codable>(batch: Int, filter: String, sort: String, expand: String) async -> [R]
func getFirstListItem<R: Codable>(filter: String, sort: String, expand: String) async -> R?

// MARK: - View
func getOne(id: String, expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func getOne<R: Codable>(id: String, expand: String) async -> R?

// MARK: - Create
func create<BodyType: Codable>(_ body: BodyType) async -> [String: Any]?
func create<BodyType: Codable & MultipartFormData>(_ body: BodyType) async -> [String: Any]?
func create<BodyType: Codable, R: Codable>(_ body: BodyType) async -> R?
func create<BodyType: Codable & MultipartFormData, R: Codable>(_ body: BodyType) async -> R?

// MARK: - Update
func update<BodyType: Codable>(_ id: String, body: BodyType, expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func update<BodyType: Codable, R: Codable>(_ id: String, body: BodyType, expand: String) async -> R?

// MARK: - Delete
func delete(_ id: String) async -> [String: Any]?

// MARK: - Realtime
func subscribe(_ recordId: String, completion: @escaping ([String: Any]?) -> Void)
func unsubscribe(_ recordId: String)

// MARK: - Auth
func authWithPassword(_ identity: String, _ password: String, _ expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func authWithPassword<UserModel: AuthModel>(_ identity: String, _ password: String) async -> AuthResponse<UserModel>?

func authWithOAuth2(_ provider: OAuthProvider, code: String, codeVerifier: String, redirectUrl: String, createData: [String: String], expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func authWithOAuth2<UserModel: AuthModel>(_ provider: OAuthProvider, code: String, codeVerifier: String, redirectUrl: String, createData: [String: String], expand: String) async -> AuthResponse<UserModel>?

func authRefresh(expand: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func authRefresh<UserModel: AuthModel>(expand: String) async -> AuthResponse<UserModel>?

func requestVerification(_ email: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func requestPasswordReset(_ email: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func requestEmailChange(_ email: String) async -> [String: Any]?

func listAuthMethods() async -> [String: Any]?
func listAuthMethods() async -> AuthMethods?

func listExternalAuths(_ id: String) async -> [String: Any]?
func listExternalAuths(_ id: String) async -> [AuthMethod]

func unlinkExternalAuth(_ id: String, provider: OAuthProvider) async -> [String: Any]?