A decentralized asset token management system. Allows users to create, manage, and transfer tokens. Essentially a token factory for real-world assets. Convert all assets(properties, cars, etc) into tokens.
The AssetToken
contract uses OpenZeppelin's ERC721 and includes:
- Asset struct with name, description, value, type, and image
- Tokenization function with ETH value validation
- Asset mapping and token tracking
- Owner management
- Typescript/Javascript
- Vite
- Solidity + Hardhat
- ether.js
- React
- MaterialUI
- Install deps ```npm install``
- Compile
npx hardhat compile
- Run local blockchain
npx hardhat run
- Deploy contracts (another terminal)
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
- Start frontend
npm run dev
Install MetaMask(extension in Chrome or Firefox) and create an account
Add Hardhat Network to MetaMask:
- Network Name: Hardhat Network
- Chain ID: 31337
- Currency Symbol: ETH
Import test account:
- Private Key:
PS: You can choose any other private key, from the node.
- Private Key:
Initial screen with the app name
Initial connection screen with MetaMask integration
Form to tokenize a new asset with ETH value