A physic based character controller inspired by Genshin Impact & Zelda BTOW.
This system is following Hierarchical FInite State Machine (HFSM) design pattern to orchestrate every states.
By giving upward force to capsule collider, the protagonist will be able to move in many complex ground structure such as: slope, stairs and niche.
New Input system is used to handle two different inputs: Mouse & keyword and Gamepad
By using Cinemachine, the camera is able to behave in number of behaviors:
- Colliding with environment
- Automatic recentering
- Zoom in & out
In grounded movement, the protagonist is able to:
- Idling
- Walking
- Running
- Dashing
- Sprinting
- Rolling
- Landing It also includes variation of animation transition between states
In airborne movement, the protagonist is able to"
- Falling
- Jumping
- Gliding
- Swimming system
- Diving system
- Climbing system