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Backend for MFLIX

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Backend
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install

    or alternatively

    npm i

    Make sure to have nodejs and npm installed

Setting up Razorpay

  1. Create an account at

  2. Go to the dashboard after logging in:

  3. Create an API key from Accounts and Settings:

    Remember to save the key id and key secret

  4. Add the key id and key secret as environment variables.

  5. Create an webhook (for payment verification) from Accounts and Settings with the following configurations at

    Variables Values
    Webhook URL <your backend url>/payment/verification
    Webhook Secret Generate a strong secret and save it
    Active events Select payment.captured

Defining environment variables

DATABASE_URL="<mongodb url>"
RZ_KEY_ID="<razorpay key id>"
RZ_KEY_SECRET="<razorpay key secret>"
RZ_WEBHOOK_SECRET="<razorpay webhook secret>"
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID="<twilio account sid>"
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN="<twilio auth token>"
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER="<twilio phone number>"
TWILIO_MS_SID="<twilio ms sid>"
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<aws access key id>"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<aws secret access key>"
AWS_MEDIACONVERT_ROLE="<aws media convert role>"
AWS_S3_BUCKET="<aws s3 bucket>"
AWS_CLOUDFRONT_KEYPAIR_ID="<aws cloudfront key pair id>"
AWS_CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN="<aws cloudfront domain>"
HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY_1="<huggingface api key 1>"
HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY_2="<huggingface api key 2>"
OPENAI_API_KEY_1="<openai api key 1>"
OPENAI_API_KEY_2="<openai api key 2>"
OPENAI_API_URL="<openai api url>"
PORT="<port for backend>"
BASE_URL="<base url for frontend>"
EMAIL="<email to send otp with>"
EMAIL_PASSWORD="<app password for email>"

Run the project

Use the following command to run:

npm run dev

API endpoints

Route Sub route Method Description
/admin /user get get all users
/user/:id get get a particular user by id
/user post create user
/user/:id put update user by id
/user/:id delete delete a user by id
/movie/:id get get a movie by id
/movie get get all movies
/movie/comments delete delete a comment
/plan post create a subscription plan
/plan/:id put update plan by id
/plan/:id delete delete plan by id
/movie/upload post create a new movie and upload movie details
/movie/:movieId/upload post upload movie file by movieId
/movie/:id patch update movie by id
/movie/:movieId/delete delete delete movie by movieId
/movie/:movieId/trailer/upload post upload trailer by movieId
/movie/:movieId/trailer/delete delete delete trailer by movieId
/movie/:movieId/poster/upload post upload poster by movieId
/movie/:movieId/poster/delete delete delete poster by movieId
/comment / get get comments of a movie
/ post post comment to a movie
/ put update comment of a movie
/ delete delete comment of a movie
/movie /history post add to the history of a user
/history delete remove from the history of a user
/watchlist post add to the watchlist of a user
/watchlist delete remove from the watchlist of a user
/ get get a list of all movies
/:id get get details of a movie by id
/latest get get a list of all the latest movies
/upcoming get get a list of all the upcoming movies
/featured get get a list of all the featured movies by the admin
/filter get filter all the movies shown by genres, languages and ratings
/watch post get the link to watch the movie
/otp /generate post generate the otp for the specified phoneNumber or the email and send it through the respective service
/verify post verify the otp specified by the user
/password /forgot post send the password reset link to the email
/reset post resets the password
/valid-token post to prevent the user from accessing the reset password route by verifying the validity of the token in the params
/payment /link post generates the payment link
/verification post verifies the payment
/plan / get get a list of subscription plans
/:id get get the particular subscription plan by id
/search /semantic get to enable the users to search semantically
/searchOnEnter get to get the movies based on the search button submission
/autocomplete get for the autocomplete feature on the search bar
/user /register post to register the user
/login post to login the user
/logout get to logout the user and delete the token present in the database
/profile get to get the details of the given user
/profile put to update the details of the given user