A wrapper for the indico API. The indico API is free to use, and no training data is required.
For API key registration and setup and docs, checkout our quickstart guide.
- Positive/Negative Sentiment Analysis
- Political Sentiment Analysis
- Keywords Analysis
- Image Feature Extraction
- Image Recognition
- Content Filtering Analysis
- Facial Emotion Recognition
- Facial Feature Extraction
- Language Detection
- Text Topic Tagging
Method 1 - Installing with Maven
You can install the latest version of the indico module using Maven by including the following in your pom.xml file:
Method 2 - Use the jar
You can also install indicoio by adding our jar to your project. We release both a "batteries included" jar that includes all of the indico dependencies, and an a-la-carte jar that includes only indico itself.
Both are available for download on maven central, as well as the oss sonatype nexus. Instructions for using a jar in eclipse can be found here).
Method 3 - Downloading from Github
All of our client libraries are open source, so if you want the code itself feel free to grab it from github using the command below.
git clone https://github.com/IndicoDataSolutions/IndicoIo-Java.git
import io.indico.Indico;
import io.indico.api.IndicoResult;
import io.indico.api.BatchIndicoResult;
// single example
Indico indico = new Indico('YOUR_API_KEY');
IndicoResult single = indico.sentiment.predict(
"indico is so easy to use!"
Double result = single.getSentiment();
// batch example
String[] example = {
"indico is so easy to use!",
"everything is awesome!"
BatchIndicoResult multiple = indico.sentiment.predict(example);
List<Double> results = multiple.getSentiment();