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Tiny Sangtae is a state management library written in TypeScript.


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Tiny Sangtae

Tiny Sangtae is a state management library written in TypeScript. It can be used with Vanilla JS and React.

'Sangtae' means 'state' in Korean.


npm install tiny-sangtae



sangtae can be used to store string, number, array and any type.

import { sangtae } from 'tiny-sangtae';

const $counter = sangtae(0);

get can get the saved state.

console.log($counter.get()); // 0

set can set the saved state.

console.log($counter.get()); // 1

A function can be passed to set, and the current state is provided as an argument.

$counter.set((v) => v + 5);
console.log($counter.get()); // 10

subscribe allows you to register a callback that will be called when the state changes.

$counter.subscribe(() => console.log(`$counter: ${$counter.get()}`));
$counter.set(1); // $counter: 1

The callback is called as many times as the set is invoked.

$counter.subscribe(() => console.log(`$counter: ${$counter.get()}`));
$counter.set(1); // $counter: 1
$counter.set(2); // $counter: 2
$counter.set(3); // $counter: 3

If the function unsubscribe returned by subscribe is called, the callback will no longer be invoked.

const unsubscribe = $counter.subscribe(() => console.log(`$counter: ${$counter.get()}`));
$counter.set(1); // $counter: 1



computed can create derived state from sangtae.

import { computed, sangtae } from 'tiny-sangtae';

const $lastName = sangtae('Lee');
const $fullName = computed($lastName, ln => ln + ' Hyanggi');
console.log($fullName.get()); // Lee Hyanggi

computed can also create derived state from computed.

import { computed, sangtae } from 'tiny-sangtae';

const $lastName = sangtae('Lee');
const $fullName = computed($lastName, ln => ln + ' Hyanggi');
const $info = computed($fullName, fn => ({ name: fn, age: 20 }));
console.log($info.get()); // { name: Lee Hyanggi, age: 20 }

computed can also create derived state from multiple sangtae or computed.

import { computed, sangtae } from 'tiny-sangtae';

const $lastName = sangtae('Lee');
const $firstName = sangtae('Hyanggi');
const $fullName = computed([$lastName, $firstName], (ln, fn) => `${ln} ${fn}`);
console.log($fullName.get()); // Lee Hyanggi

When the original sangtae changes, the computed state also changes.

console.log($fullName.get()); // Kim Hyanggi

Just like sangtae, you can call subscribe on computed.

const unsubscribe = $fullName.subscribe(() => console.log(fullName));
$lastName.set('Park'); // Park Hyanggi;



If set is called consecutively in action, the callback is called only once at the end.

$counter.subscribe(() => console.log(`$counter: ${$counter.get()}`));
action(() => {
  $counter.set(4); // $counter: 4

If an asynchronous task is called within action, subsequent tasks are not included in the action.

$counter.subscribe(() => console.log(`$counter: ${$counter.get()}`));
action(async () => {

  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));


This code will first print $counter: 2 to the console, and after 1 second, it will print $counter: 3 and $counter: 4.



@tiny-sangtae/react provides useSangtae hook.

This hook takes either a sangtae or computed as an argument and returns the state.

// counter.ts
import { sangtae, computed } from 'tiny-sangtae';

export const $counter = sangtae(0);

export const $counterAdded10 = computed($counter, v => v + 10);

export const increase = () => $counter.set(v => v + 1);
export const decrease = () => $counter.set(v => v - 1);

// Counter.tsx
import { useSangtae } from '@tiny-sangtae/react';
import { $counter, $counterAdded10, increase, decrease } from './counter';

export default function Counter() {
  const counter = useSangtae($counter);
  const counterAdded10 = useSangtae($counterAdded10);

  return (
      <h1>{counter} + 10 = {counterAdded10}</h1>
      <button type="button" onClick={increase}>+</button>
      <button type="button" onClick={decrease}>-</button>


Tiny Sangtae is a state management library written in TypeScript.




