Release v0.8 : 📤✨ Response With Style!
We are excited to unveil our latest version 0.8 update, which brings advanced customization capabilities to your responses. Now, you can tailor your responses with specific formatting options, HTTP status codes, and content types. Additionally, the update introduces a flexible formatting feature that is consistent across the application, allowing you to use either templateString or templatePath for defining response templates.
This enhancement is particularly beneficial for webhook providers requiring the inclusion of specific fields in their responses to confirm the identity of the requester.
Configuration exemple :
templateString: |
"deliveryID": "{{ .Request.Header | getHeader "X-Delivery" | default "unknown" }}"
httpCode: 200
contentType: application/json
🚀 Features
- Customizable Response: Added feature to allow customization of the response. (@42atomys) Pull Request #177
- Configuration Enhancement: Switched from using Viper to Koanf to enable more possibilities on configuration. (@42atomys) Pull Request #160
Full Changelog: GitHub