We keep track of something big in the audio domain, including speech, singing, music etc.
- SpeechX: Neural Codec Language Model as a Versatile Speech Transformer(2023), Xiaofei Wang et al. [PDF]
- TANGO: Text-to-Audio Generation using Instruction Tuned LLM and Latent Diffusion Model(2023), Deepanway Ghosal et al. [PDF]
- Diverse and Vivid Sound Generation from Text Descriptions(2023), Guangwei Li et al. [PDF]
- NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers(2023), Kai Shen et al. [PDF]
- AUDIT: Audio Editing by Following Instructions with Latent Diffusion Models(2023), Yuancheng Wang et al. [PDF]
- Physics-Driven Diffusion Models for Impact Sound Synthesis from Videos(2023), Kun Su et al. [PDF]
- FoundationTTS: Text-to-Speech for ASR Customization with Generative Language Model(2023), Ruiqing Xue et al. [PDF]
- VALL-E X: Speak Foreign Languages with Your Own Voice: Cross-Lingual Neural Codec Language Modeling (2023), Ziqiang Zhang et al. [PDF]
- Simple and Controllable Music Generation(2023), Jade Copet et al. [PDF]
- Efficient Neural Music Generation(2023), Max W. Y. Lam et al. [PDF]
- ERNIE-Music: Text-to-Waveform Music Generation with Diffusion Models(2023), Pengfei Zhu et al. [PDF]
- Noise2Music: Text-conditioned Music Generation with Diffusion Models(2023), Qingqing Huang et al. [PDF]
- Spear-TTS: Speak, Read and Prompt: High-Fidelity Text-to-Speech with Minimal Supervision(2023), Eugene Kharitonov et al. [PDF]
- SingSong: Generating musical accompaniments from singing(2023), Chris Donahue et al. [PDF]
- MusicLM: Generating Music From Text(2023), Andrea Agostinelli et al. [PDF]
- InstructTTS: Modelling Expressive TTS in Discrete Latent Space with Natural Language Style Prompt (2023), Dongchao Yang et al. [PDF]
- Make-An-Audio 2: Temporal-Enhanced Text-to-Audio Generation(2023), Rongjie Huang et al. [PDF]
- AudioLDM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Diffusion Models(2023), Haohe Liu et al. [PDF]
- Moûsai: Text-to-Music Generation with Long-Context Latent Diffusion(2023), Flavio Schneider et al. [PDF]
- Make-An-Audio: Text-To-Audio Generation with Prompt-Enhanced Diffusion Models(2023), Jiawei Huang et al. [PDF]
- ArchiSound: Audio Generation with Diffusion(2023), Flavio Schneider. [PDF]
- VALL-E: Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers (2023), Chengyi Wang et al. [PDF]
- PromptTTS: Controllable Text-to-Speech with Text Descriptions(2022), Zhifang Guo et al. [PDF]
- Diffsound: Discrete Diffusion Model for Text-to-sound Generation(2022), Dongchao Yang et al. [PDF]
- SpeechTokenizer: Unified Speech Tokenizer for Speech Large Language Models(2023), Xin Zhang et al. [PDF]
- SoundStorm: Efficient Parallel Audio Generation(2023), Zalán Borsos et al. [PDF]
- AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head(2023), Rongjie Huang et al. [PDF]
- AudioPaLM: A Large Language Model That Can Speak and Listen(2023), Paul K. Rubenstein et al. [PDF]
- Pengi: An Audio Language Model for Audio Tasks(2023), Soham Deshmukh et al. [PDF]
- AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation(2022), Zalán Borsos et al. [PDF]
- vq-wav2vec: Self-Supervised Learning of Discrete Speech Representations(2019), Alexei Baevski et al. [PDF]
- wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations (2020), Alexei Baevski et al. [PDF]
- W2v-BERT: Combining Contrastive Learning and Masked Language Modeling for Self-Supervised Speech Pre-Training (2021) [PDF]
- HuBERT: Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Masked Prediction of Hidden Units (2021) Wei-Ning Hsu et al. [PDF]
- Data2vec: A general framework for self-supervised learning in speech, vision and language (2022), Alexei Baevski et al. [PDF]
- MT4SSL: Boosting Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning by Integrating Multiple Targets (2022), Ziyang Ma et al. [PDF]
- ContentVec: An Improved Self-Supervised Speech Representation by Disentangling Speakers (2022), Kaizhi Qian et al. [PDF]
- Data2vec 2.0: Efficient Self-supervised Learning with Contextualized Target Representations for Vision, Speech and Language (2022), Alexei Baevski et al. [PDF]
- MuLan: A Joint Embedding of Music Audio and Natural Language (2022) Qingqing Huang et al. [PDF]