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feat: Add Envoy Wasm Filter #74

feat: Add Envoy Wasm Filter

feat: Add Envoy Wasm Filter #74

Workflow file for this run

#name: ci-test-py
# push:
# branches: [main]
# pull_request:
# branches: [main]
# py-pip-ai-sentryflow:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# python-version: '3.11'
# cache: 'pip'
# - name: check Python pip3 requirements
# run: |
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# working-directory: ai-engine
# py-ruff-ai-sentryflow:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# python-version: '3.11'
# cache: 'pip'
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: |
# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# working-directory: ai-engine
# - name: Create pyproject.toml
# run: |
# echo "[tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores]" > pyproject.toml
# echo '"stringlifier/*" = ["E402", "F811", "F401"]' >> pyproject.toml
# working-directory: ai-engine
# - name: Lint with Ruff
# run: |
# pip install ruff
# ruff --output-format=github .
# working-directory: ai-engine
# py-lint-ai-sentryflow:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# python-version: '3.11'
# cache: 'pip'
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: |
# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# pip install pylint
# working-directory: ai-engine
# - name: Lint with Pylint
# run: |
# pylint
# working-directory: ai-engine
# py-pep8-ai-sentryflow:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: 'Run PEP8'
# uses: quentinguidee/pep8-action@v1
# with:
# arguments: '--max-line-length=120 --exclude=*stringlifier/*,*protobuf/*'