This is a simple React app that renders a front-end client and interacts with NewsAPI.
You will need nvm and Node.js.
You will also need to get your own API key from NewsAPI. Add a 'config.js' file in /src. The contents of this file should just be your API key:
export const API_KEY = "yourkey";
Once that's set up and you're in the repo, run:
nvm use
npm install
npm run start
The site should run locally at http://localhost:8080/.
The site displays a nav bar, a footer, and cards for each story that include an image, title, and description. Each story links to itself on The New Yorker, and the byline links to the author's contributor page. The site is mobile responsive, and designed in Material UI.
I also added pagination.
Given more time to work on this, I would add a search bar, functionality to the links in the nav bar, and testing. I would also tighten up the styling across the board and break down the main page of the app into more distinct components.