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DotFiles is a Bash script designed to help you manage your dotfiles efficiently. Dotfiles are configuration files that usually start with a dot (e.g. .bashrc
) and are typically used to personalize your command-line environment and various applications.
DotFiles was created to eliminate the clutter from your home directory. Rather than having a .git/ and .gitignore in your home folder, you can download this repo elsewhere and keep all of your custom dotfiles together.
This script allows you to synchronize your dotfiles between your home directory and a project directory, or vice versa. You can easily switch between configurations and setup new user environments!
Choose the direction of synchronization:
- Copy dotfiles from your project directory to your home directory.
- Copy dotfiles from your home directory to your project directory.
Automatic backups:
- Before overwriting existing dotfiles, the script creates a backup in a specified backup folder.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/dotfiles-sync.git
Run ./dotFiles.sh