Remote Control 433MHz Schanz Rolladen with Raspi.
Using a minicul and the SIGNALduino FHEM module create an interface for a rollershutter using MQTT. FHEM is encapsulated in a separate container only for the purpose of sending the 433,95 MHz commands to the rollershutter motor. A separate container provides a python script for sending the commands to fhem and serving an interface using MQTT.
The following topics will be used:
Description | Topic | Values |
Set position | rollershutter/control_position/Test1 | 0-100 |
Control | rollershutter/control/Test1 | Open, Close, Stop |
State | rollershutter/Test1/state | open, closed, opening, closing, stopped |
Position | rollershutter/Test1/percentage | 0-100 |
- 0% == Open, 100% == Closed
Thus this module is compatible with HomeAssistant and OpenHab.
Configure the following variables in the docker-compose.yml file:
(If the variable SIMULATION
is defined, run in simulation mode.)
- Install mosquitto, i.e. on osx:
brew install mosquitto
- Optionally use the dashboard using docker-compose described here
- Set position topic: 0-100
mosquitto_pub -h t20 -t rollershutter/control_position/Test1 -m 30
- Set control topic: Open, Close, Stop
mosquitto_pub -h t20 -t rollershutter/control/Test1 -m Open
mosquitto_pub -h t20 -t rollershutter/control/Test1 -m Close
mosquitto_pub -h t20 -t rollershutter/control/Test1 -m Stop
- State topic: open, closed, opening, closing, stopped -
mosquitto_sub -h t20 -t rollershutter/Test1/state
- Position topic: 0-100 -
mosquitto_sub -h t20 -t rollershutter/Test1/percentage
- Install the MQTT integration and provide your server
- Copy and adjust the configuration in HA Config to your setup
- Install the mqtt binding
- Copy and adjust the things configuration Things
- Copy and adjust the item configuration Item
- The motor is a Siral EL4F motor with 433 MHz remote control:
- MQTT interface:
- Using SIGNALduino
- And FHEM
- OpenHAB MQTT integration
- Experiments and scrapbook for reverse engineering this protocol Scrapbook