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InkScope-lite is a simplified version of inkScope, a Ceph admin user interface.

It allows only visualization of a Ceph cluster.

Inkscope-lite only needs Apache 2 et a running ceph-rest-api on the Ceph cluster.

There is no database, no server, no probes.

in the following stages, we have chosen /var/www/inkscope-lite


Installation of inkscope-lite

Download all the directories of the inkScope-lite project to a folder of your choice

Apache V2 is already installed

  1. Choose a tcp port for inkscope-lite

    in the following stages, we have chosen 8080

  2. Modify Apache conf file /etc/apache2/port.conf to add the following line

     Listen 8080
  3. Create a virtual host named inkscope-lite

    in the folder /etc/apache2/sites-available , create a file inkscope-lite.conf with this content:

     <VirtualHost *:8080>
         ServerName  localhost
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
         DocumentRoot {inkscope-lite_folder}
         <Directory "{inkscope-lite_folder}">
             Options All
             AllowOverride All
             Require all granted
         ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
         # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
         # alert, emerg.
         LogLevel warn
         ProxyRequests Off  # we don't want a "forward proxy", but only a "Reverse proxy"
         ProxyPass /ceph-rest-api/ {ceph_rest_api_url}
         CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    Be sure to modify {inkscope-lite_folder} and {ceph_rest_api_url} with the appropriate values

  4. Enable proxy module in Apache (if not already enabled)

     sudo a2enmod proxy_http
     sudo service apache2 restart
  5. Enable inkscope-lite virtual host:

     sudo a2ensite inkscope-lite

    No need to restart Apache

Et voilà !



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