A work-in-progress application that aims to convert Windows into a Console-like experience.
As of right now, this application is quite basic. I've only added the ability to navigate Windows' tabs/windows similar to how Alt-Tab or Windows-Tab works. This program requires an Xinput device (Xbox controller, Xinput via DS4Windows, etc).
Instructions on how to use:
Hold L1+R1+Dpad Left to display the overlay and select from the available windows which one you want to bring to focus by navigating with Dpad up & down. 'A' selects the window and 'B' hides the window if you want to cancel.
Initial release
Task Switcher
Enter 'Task Switcher' by pressing a button combination: L1+R1+DPAD LEFT.
◇ Navigate through a list of open processes/windows using the 'DPAD'.
◇ Minimize windows by pressing 'Y'.
◇ Kill window processes by pressing 'X'.
◇ Confirm or Select a window to restore or bring to focus by pressing 'A'.
◇ Exit Task Switcher by pressing 'B'.