Jekyll Jupyter Notebook plugin
Jekyll Jupyter Notebook plugin adds Jupyter Notebook support to Jekyll. You can embed Jupyter Notebooks into your texts.
Add the following line to your site's Gemfile
gem "jekyll-jupyter-notebook"
Run the following command line to make the gem available:
% bundle install
Add the following line to your site's _config.yml
- jekyll-jupyter-notebook
Put a Jupyter Notebook (sample.ipynb
) to the directory that has the target text (
) like the following:
`-- sample.ipynb
Put the following tag into the target text:
{% jupyter_notebook "sample.ipynb" %}
If you use kramdown as Markdown parser and get strange result, try to surround {% jupyter_notebook ...%}
with {::nomarkdown}
and {:/nomarkdown}
like the following:
{% jupyter_notebook "sample.ipynb" %}
- Kouhei Sutou <[email protected]>
Apache License 2.0. See doc/text/apache-2.0.txt and NOTICE.txt for details.
(Kouhei Sutou has a right to change the license including contributed patches.)