Brave quest of 16 + 4 students to make MOWNiT even better again!
Current division of chapters between teams is here:
and there:
To get LaTeX and Beamer instructions presented here should get you covered:
This looks useful:
- Make a copy of template.tex
- Place it in the main directory (for the love of Garek please don't change it)
- All the stuff you should not change is in the header file in the include directory. Don't change it.
- At the top of the file, in \subtitle brackets, write the number and name of your presentation, i.e:
\subtitle{4 - Spline functions}
...and that's basically all
Type 'make' in main directory to compile and generate presentations.
Place all the images you need to include in your presentation in the img/[number of presentation] directory - this way we can avoid the mess involved with mixing up images between our presentations.
Have fun!