This is the computer vision stack for the Team AGV-IIT-KGP. Currently we are in the learning phase and are trying to implement the algorithms of the book Feature Extraction and Image Processing. All our work takes place through GitHub Pull Requests. You can find the list of relevant resources at Awesome Computer Vision And if you want to ask questions then we have a public chat room at gitter. 
If you are a IIT-KGP student and you are interested in working with us. Then go
though the IPython Notebook Tutorial 1.ipynb
and then get in touch with us
through email at gupta.harsh96 AT gmail DOT com.
The tutorial is a IPython Notebook. IPython Notebooks are interactive computational enviornments with formatted text intructions and executable code cells.
Install the IPython: It can be very easily installed through the anaconda package available at the continuum Analytics web site.
Clone the repo
git clone
- Open the Tutorial
ipython notebook Tutorial\ 1.ipynb &
You can also view the Tutorial online at nbviewer, though the code cells at nbviewer won't be executable.