a website for rating places on a real-time map
you will find an installation guide below.
home page :
the user can view a place location, bookmark or report the place :
see the reviews on the place and review them (like/dislike) :
add a review on a place :
view bookmarked places :
report a place :
The user gets a confirmation email after reporting :
the user can click through a category and view all places in the category and their locations :
the user can search and help him with a search hint :
show the search result with the location :
the user can add a place to the website, and show the map with the current location of the user :
automatically bring the values of the longitude and latitude form the map when the user clicks on it :
the user can view the new location on the website :
the user can update his information, change password, activate two-factor authentication ,manage sessions on other browsers, delete the account from the edit account page :
git clone https://github.com/AHMED-GAMAL-AG/Maps-Rating.git
Create a .env file and configure the database.
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link