Microbenchmarks that assess the performance of individual operations and components on accelerators with JAX.
Setup the cloud TPU environment. For more information about how to set up a TPU environment, refer to one of the following references:
- GCE: Manage TPU resources | Google Cloud
- GKE: Deploy TPU workloads in GKE Standard | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
The following command sets up a V4 TPU VM:
gcloud compute tpus tpu-vm create $TPU_NAME /
--zone=$ZONE /
--accelerator-type=v4-8 /
You may ssh into the VM for subsequent testing:
gcloud compute ssh $TPU_NAME --zone=$ZONE
Now that you have the VM environment set up, git clone
the accelerator-microbenchmarks on the VM and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/qinyiyan/accelerator-microbenchmarks.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run the benchmarks with a config file:
cd accelerator-microbenchmarks
python src/run_benchmark.py --config=configs/sample_benchmark_matmul.yaml
Create your own config.yaml file to customize the benchmarks and parameters you want to run. You may refer to the src/benchmark_*.py for the benchmarks and tunable parameters, or you may refer to the sample YAML files in configs/ directory.
The benchmarks will print metrics to the terminal. If you wish to dump formatted metrics in a file, you may set this parameter in your YAML file:
: Dumps the benchmark metrics in a CSV. Examples can be found in the YAML files under config/ directory.
If you wish to generate the xprof profile, set this parameter in the YAML file:
: Dumps the xprof profile to either a local location or GCS bucket. Examples can be found in the YAML files under config/ directory.