This is a Breaking Bad series quote generator. It retrieves a quote and his/her author from an API.
- Create React App. - It´s a standarized bootstraping for starting a React App
- Breaking Bad API. - The API used to get Breaking Bad quotes
- React useState Hook - To fetch quotes from the API
- React useEffect Hook - To fetch a new quote every time the page is refreshed
- JavaScript ES6+ - Latest Javascript Standards
- Emotion. - Library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript (Styled Components)
- PropTypes - Props typechecking verification.
Clone or fork this repository. Open the project in your console and type the following command:
npm install
It will install the project dependencies for you, then use the command:
npm start
It will start the project in developer mode in your browser. It will open this automatically:
The page will reload if you make and save changes to the code. You will also see errors in the console (if any)