Pre Release Build
Pre-releaseLatest Version set to 1702201
Pre Release Build 1.3.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[X LIB] Fixed group was re-mounting a vehicle after vehicleDismount was called
[SYS PROFILE] Fixed vehicle being placed in direction 90 deg to road
[SYS GC] Fixed situation where null-objects were not deleted by Garbage Collector
[SYS PROFILE] Added sea transport simulation for profile entities (optional, default off). Provides an appropriate boat of size and faction for infantry groups crossing water
[MAIN] Fix ALiVE loading screen not being activated before mission start
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix issue where new vehicles from copied factions did not have OC_import02 appended to their parent class
[SYS_PROFILE] Fix hitpoints not detected for some RHS vehicles #286 (#287). Some RHS vehicles were not returning any hitpoints for use when calculating virtualised damage. [(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleClass >> "HitPoints"),0] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren;
[CIV PLACEMENT] Fixed roadblocks not being created on some maps because the selected position was a trail instead of a road. Fixed wrong filter method where the _foreachIndex could not keep up due to items in the array being deleted.
[MIL CQB] Optimized generic positioning of static weapons, added more static weapon types, improved house patrol to (re-)mount nearby static weapons.
[X LIB] Make units on garrison not leave their position while still maintaining their awareness of enemies
[MIL CQB] Added static weapons on top of buildings. Set module option "static weapons" to a value you like. enter 0.5 to have a 50% chance of one static weapon to be deployed on a CQB building that has a walkable roof. Enter 1 and this makes every building with a walkable roof carry one static weapon. Enter 2 or above to make every walkable roof carry the number of static weapons you entered.
[SUP CAS] Fixed planes sometimes not taking off because being blocked by an invisible helipad