The goal of this jumpstart app is to provide a simple way to get started with Angular 2+ while also showing several key Angular features. The sample relies on the Angular CLI to build the application.
- Firbase2 used for Authentication & Authorization
- After Login Showing up of the Default category
- Navigation between Home, Setting, About & Logout Page
- User able to select a category, which is saved to the local storage
- In setting he can choose the number of items to be shown per category including the category item, & storing that to the local storage.
- Authen/Auth with Firebase2
- logout Conformation Modal
- Toaster message once the user is logedIn sucessfully
- Navigating to diff pages with NavController => Home, Setting, About & Logout Page
- Implementation of default Category & its limit to local storage, & on change updating the same value to local storage
- Node js
- FirebaseAuth : you can also update/change the credentials.. & if mine don't work then copy the new highlighted code that you get & put in the file shown. It's done.
- Make sure you have the below highlighted versions of angularfire2 & firebase.. Others are having the compatibility issue, which would need some downgrade for firebase.
- Once first 3 steps are done. we need to do the "npm install" so that dependencies are installed which are in pacakage.json. Once done hit "ionic serve".. Which will serve the application & will open the tab in browser with url http://localhost:8100
Simply clone the project or download and extract the .zip to get started. Here are a few screenshots from the app: