============= SOFTWARE =============
Download latest stable Raspian {during the inital writing of this guide, Jessie Lite and Raspberry Pi (RasPi) Zero (RPZ) was used}
Write .img file to SDCard Insert SDCard into RPZ Connect USB Hub to USB cable Adapter to RPZ Connect WiFi and KB/M to USB Hub Connect HDMI Cable to mini-HDMI Adapter to RPZ Connect power to RPZ
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { /// Connect to Wi-Fi network \\ } { https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md }
{ if using GUI, connect to your local network once RasPi is powered on. { Continue with next section => Setup RPZ settings }
{ if using CLI, continue below } { If needed, Scan for available networks and look for ESSID as the network_name } $ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
{ Edit wps_supplicant.conf file, specify SSID and password for your network } $ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
{ /// COPY & PASTE FOLLOWING CODE \\ to the end of the wpa_supplicant.conf file }
network={ ssid="network_name" psk="wifi_password" }
{ \\ END CODE /// }
{ Restart RasPi} $ sudo reboot
{ Verify successful connection by running following code and if the inet addr field has an address beside it, the RasPi has connected to the network. } $ ifconfig wlan0
{ \\ End of Wi-Fi network setup /// }
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { Setup RPZ settings }
(1) {GUI} Menu...Preferences...Raspberry Pi Configuration or
(2) {CLI} $ sudo raspi-config
{ Change User Password - HIGHLY recommended!! } { Expand FileSystem to utilize entire SD Card - Recommended } { Change Boot option to auto-login - if desired} (1) System (2) Main Menu
{ Enable SSH - HIGHLY recommended!! } { Enable Remote GPIO Server } { Enable VNC server if desired } (1) Interfaces (2) Advanced Options
{ Rename the RPZ computer } (1) System...Hostname (2) Advanced Options...Hostname
{ Change Localizations - Time Zone, Keyboard Layout, Wi-Fi } (1) Localisation (2) Main Menu
$ exit config
{ Reboot or Shutdown as desired } $ sudo reboot
$ sudo shutdown-h now
{ At this point if you decide to continue with SSH/CLI, you can shutdown RasPi and remove USB Hub, KB/M and HDMI Cable } { If using RPZ, Connect the WiFi dongle to either USB-to-MicroUSB adapter and connect directly to RPZ}
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { Find Updates, Apply Upgrades, then Clean-up }
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ sudo apt-get clean
================= SECTION BREAK =======================
{ /// Install WebIOPi \\ } { http://webiopi.trouch.com/INSTALL.html } $ cd /home/pi
{ Required to access all 40 pins [new Raspberry layout] } { https://github.com/thortex/rpi3-webiopi/wiki/HowToBuild }
{ download} $ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/webiopi/files/WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
{ unzip} $ tar xvzf WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
{ Patch} $ cd $ git clone https://github.com/acrobotic/Ai_Demos_RPi $ cd WebIOPi-0.7.1 $ patch -p0 -i ~/Ai_Demos_RPi/demos/gpio/webiopi_raspberry_pi_2_cpu_support.patch $ patch -p0 -i ~/Ai_Demos_RPi/demos/gpio/webiopi_raspberry_pi_2_gpio_40_pin.patch $ patch -p0 -i ~/Ai_Demos_RPi/demos/gpio/webiopi_raspberry_pi_2_gpio_mapping.patch
{ install} $ sudo ./setup.sh
================= READ BELOW BEFORE INSTALL =======================
{ If you only need local network access to your setup or, } { If you want outside internet access to your setup and are comfortable with port forwarding, } { Answer NO to internet access question if presented. OTHERWISE } { If yes is chosen, must follow instructions to install Weaved IoT Kit at http://webiopi.trouch.com/INSTALL.html } { or you can utilize CAYENNE software at http://www.cayenne-mydevices.com/docs/#introduction } { Download Cayenne App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cayenne-connect-create-control/id1057997711?ls=1&mt=8 }
{ I have no experience with either platform, so no additional guidance will be provided }
================= READ ABOVE BEFORE INSTALL =======================
{ set WebIOPi to start at boot} $ sudo update-rc.d webiopi defaults
{ To change or remove username & password to access WEBIOPI, } { http://webiopi.trouch.com/PASSWORD.html }
{ To change: } $ sudo webiopi-passwd
{ To remove, delete contents or delete file /etc/webiopi/passwd } $ sudo nano /etc/webiopi/passwd $ sudo rm /etc/webiopi/passwd
{ Restart WebIOPi } $ sudo /etc/init.d/webiopi restart
{ Reboot RasPi } $ sudo reboot
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { Location of HTML files } { The index.html should be left in place for WebIOPi. } { It can be replaced, but it should be backed-up } { Best practice would be to directly access your own HTML landing page i.e. door.html }
$ cd /usr/share/webiopi/htdocs
{ Transfer project files }
$ sudo wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lz5od3xyqxl17i/garage.html
$ sudo wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3qfwvjqgzft16m/door-static.png
$ sudo wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/xj93wymxebbthu0/door-action.gif
$ sudo wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1a429mix66hshr/appicon.png
$ wget http://www.driscocity.com/rpi/open.png
$ wget http://www.driscocity.com/rpi/closed.png
{ If desired, you can edit WebIOPi config to redirect to custom location, change port, etc} $ sudo nano /etc/webiopi/config
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { *** DOOR STATUS log *** } { Code copied and edited from comments section of : { http://www.driscocity.com/idiots-guide-to-a-raspberry-pi-garage-door-opener/ }
$ cd /
$ sudo nano /usr/bin/door_status
{ /// COPY & PASTE file contents from file Door_Status \\ }
{ Make this script executable: } $ sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/door_status $ cd /etc $ sudo nano rc.local
{ add the following line just above “exit 0”, to have door_status startup on bootup.}
/usr/bin/door_status > /dev/null 2>&1 &
{ \\ END CODE /// }
{need to add code to edit garage.html to create link to garage.log}
{ \\ END DOOR STATUS modification /// }
$ sudo reboot
================= SECTION BREAK ======================= { To change images, you can rename your images to door-action.png & door-static.png } { Alternatively, you can change the file names in the .css and .js files in three locations }
background: #808080 url(‘door-static.png’) no-repeat center bottom; document.getElementById(‘button’).style.background = “#808080 url(‘/door-action.gif’) no-repeat center bottom”; document.getElementById(‘button’).style.background = “#808080 url(‘/door-static.png’) no-repeat center bottom”;
============= HARDWARE ============= { If Edimax Wi-fi Adapter keeps going to sleep, you can try the following to fix the issue } { https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=61665 }
$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf
options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0
{ \\ END CODE /// }
================= SECTION BREAK =======================
{ In a future lesson, we will enable the PiCam to allow a video-feed from the garage } { https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RQ9Vf-_Ty5UuMGdkD0zEaDtdCNYjwhDSWnd29Ql6a2I/edit }