FoxBot 0.800 (Win32/Linux)
Version 0.800
Updated by RoboCop
Added new waypoints:-
- axlfly
- botspree
- dustbowl_old
- dustbowl2_v2
- gen_complex
- insideout
- lbdustbowl
- madcanyon
- mulch_dm2b1
- murderball1_3
- osaka_l
- osaka_r2
- rats2v2
- rock2_2way_r
- rock2_open_r
- sandbowl_r
- turbine
- warpath_r2
Reinstated the 'foxbot_commander' feature
Reduced fire delay for Sniper's Auto-Rifle
Reduced further more redundant codes and added more C++14 support
Reduced overflow issues and instability crashes
Reduced Reachable Range to prevent waypoints creation from adding too many junctions
Fixed Listenserver foxbot.cfg and other .cfg load failures
Added some support for murderball, murderball1_3 and murderball-2002
Fixed the unreachable waypoint in warpath as well as enhanced its other waypoints
Reduced StartFrame stack by reducing some unwanted features and lines that exceed it
Added more reaction time delay for bots to attack enemies as they were too quick to respond
Improved dustbowl waypoint by removing rogue pathways in the Jump Point for Capture Point 1, 2 and 3
bot_job_think.cpp adjusted for the Medic and Engineer bots to heal their teammates more often
botdontmove, bot_chat, min_bots, max_bots, bot_bot_balance and bot_team_balance cvars should now operate properly
Known bugs:-
Soldier bots tend to struggle for rocket jumping in awkward areas that can block their way
Sniper bots tend to TK when Friendly Fire is on when interacting with their team's sentries and teleports