SOCH UGC is a Python library for accessing and writing data to the User Generated Content API that is a part of the Swedish Open Cultural Heritage (SOCH/K-Samsök) API.
pip install sochugc
from sochugc import UGC
# the endpoint defaults to
# the key parameter is only needed for write actions
ugc = UGC(endpoint='http://localhost:8080/', key='<API-KEY>')
# get the total number of user generated items
# return an user generated content item by its id
# Searching all items or items tied to a specific URI
# to search all items and not only ones connected to a specific URI omit the uri parameter
ugc.search_items(uri='', offset=0, limit=100)
# deleting an item using its id
# creating a new relation, see below for possible relations
ugc.create_item_relation('', 'isPartOf', '', 'Albin Larsson')
- sameAs
- isDescribedBy
- visualizes
- hasPart
- isPartOf
- isVisualizedBy
- isContainedIn
- author
- authorOf
- hasBeenUsedIn
- isRelatedTo
- architectOf
- architect
- user
- userOf
- child
- mother
- father
- photographerOf
- photographer
- isMentionedBy
- mentions