Made this for a uni project. Lot of fun and I keep coming back to find new improvements in design/readability/portability. The compiler was made using Antlr4.
Info about the language (grammar/tokens) can be found at the bottom. I will not "improve" the actual spec to stay true to the requirements.
The project is completely packaged and easily run using Maven
. Even includes the Mars MIPS emulator, Mars4_5.jar
to run the compiled programs. See below
You need Maven
and a JDK
(JDK 14+ should work but prefer 17+). If you use Intellij IDEA
, you have both already. However
Maven might not be in your PATH
, so you will only be able to run Maven commands from your IDE.
mvn clean package
This will download dependencies
, generate the parser from myLanguage.g4,
and finally generate the mlc.jar
compiler executable for this language.
java -jar .\target\mlc.jar
Without arguments, a usage message will be displayed. You can then add file arguments to compile as you wish.
> mvn clean package
> dir .\target\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ archive-tmp
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ classes
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ generated-sources
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ generated-test-sources
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ maven-status
d----- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ test-classes
-a---- 24/6/2024 12:27 πμ 16901728 mlc.jar
> java -jar .\target\mlc.jar .\res\ProgramExamples\FibonacciExample
# This will generate the FibonacciExample.asm MIPS Assembly file
# You can then run it with
> java -jar .\Mars4_5.jar .\res\ProgramExamples\FibonacciExample.asm
# Output:
MARS 4.5 Copyright 2003-2014 Pete Sanderson and Kenneth Vollmar
mainclass Fibonacci {
public static void main ( ) {
int first, second, i, tmp;
first = 0;
second = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
tmp = first + second;
i = i + 1;
Integers are 31-bit signed.
Floats are in the approximate range (10^-58, 10^57).
myLanguage.g4 contains the Antlr4 definition of the language's tokens and grammar
(compiler implementation language independent).
Compile is the starting class that initialises the Antlr4 lexer and parser. The result tree is visited with a
custom visitor to generate the MIPS assembly code.
MIPSCodeGeneratorVisitor is the visitor class that does all the code generation and file handling. Heaviest read
in the project for sure. Might try to split a few components at some point.
ProgramExamples/ contains sample programs in the language that compile succesfully.
CompileErrorFiles/ contains sample programs that will not compile and throw an exception. Used for tests.