Welcome to the Achyutas_Embedded_Projects! This repository contains a collection of assignments related to Makefile, shell script, Linux cmds, C programs, and microcontroller programs.
- Introduction
- Folder Structure
- Usage
- Contributing
This repository serves as a centralized location for storing and organizing my daily assignments. The assignments primarily focus on Makefile, Linux cmd's, Shell script, C programming, and microcontroller programming providing a diverse range of practical exercises to enhance my skills in these areas.
The repository is structured as follows:
Makefile: This folder contains assignments related to makefiles. It covers topics such as creating, modifying, and managing makefiles for building projects.
Bash: This folder contains assignments related to Linux basics & Advanced commands and shell scripting. It covers various shell scripting concepts, such as variables, loops, conditionals, file operations, and more.
C: This folder contains assignments related to C programming. It includes programs on data conversions.
8051_basic_examples: This folder contains assignments related to 8051 microcontroller programming. It focuses on writing programs in C covering topics such as GPIO ops - Led blinking, LCD's.
8051_modules: This folder contains the code related to timers, ADC, UART communication.
Feel free to explore each folder and its respective assignments to find the topics that interest you or align with your learning goals.
To use the assignments in this repository, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command: git clone https://github.com/Abhishek-Tamboli9/Achyutas_Embedded_Projects
Navigate to the desired assignment folder (e.g., Makefile, Bash, C, 8051_Basics_examples).
Inside each assignment folder, you will find the necessary files and instructions to complete the assignment. Read the assignment description and requirements carefully.
Work on the assignment, making any necessary changes or additions to the provided files. Feel free to experiment and explore alternative solutions.
Once you have completed the assignment, commit your changes and push them back to the repository using Git commands. For example: git add . git commit -m "Completed makefile assignment" git push origin main Repeat steps 2-5 for each assignment you want to complete or upload.
Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you would like to contribute, follow these steps:
Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your contribution.
Make your desired changes or additions to the repository.
Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
Open a pull request from your branch to the original repository's main branch.
Once your pull request is reviewed and accepted, your changes will be merged into the main repository.
I hope you find these assignments helpful in your learning journey. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue. Enjoy exploring and improving your skills with these assignments!