Filters compiler package
This package is suggested to be used with filters repository with directory structure presented in tests here.
The package could be run with the following command:
const whitelist = [1, 3];
const blacklist = [2];
const path = require('path');
const compiler = require("adguard-filters-compiler");
const filtersDir = path.join(__dirname, './filters');
const logPath = path.join(__dirname, './log.txt');
const reportPath = path.join(__dirname, './report.txt');
const platformsPath = path.join(__dirname, './platforms');
const customPlatformsConfig = {
// Here you can redefine some of the platforms from platforms.json
// or add new platforms if you need it.
"MAC_V3": {
"platform": "mac",
"path": "mac_v3",
"configuration": {
"ignoreRuleHints": false,
"removeRulePatterns": [
"^\\/.*" // remove regex rules for some reason.
"replacements": [
"from": "regex",
"to": "repl"
"defines": {
"adguard": true,
"adguard_app_mac": true
compiler.compile(filtersDir, logPath, reportPath, platformsPath, whitelist, blacklist, customPlatformsConfig);
yarn test
In order to add support for new scriptlets and redirects, you should update @adguard/tsurlfilter
with updated scriptlets.
For fixing scriptlets converting or validation you should update scriptlets