A simple brainfuck interpreter written in Python. Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller, and notable for its extreme minimalism. It only uses 8 simple commands and is a Turing complete langaunge. For more information, see here
Clone this repository using
git clone https://github.com/AdishMallik/BrainFuck_Interpreter.git
Navigate to the directory using
cd BrainFuck_Interpreter
Interprete your BrainFuck program using
python BrainFuck_Interpreter.py [your brainfuck file here]
Python 2.7 should be installed in your computer. The code is written for python 2.7.
BrainFuck only uses 8 commands.
Command | Usage |
* | increments the byte at the data pointer |
- | decrements the byte at the data pointer |
> | moves the data pointer to the next cell |
< | moves the data pointer to the previous cell |
[ | if the byte at the data pointer is 0, the program instead of moving forward,jumps to the command after matching ] command |
] | if the byte at the data pointer is not 0, the program instead of moving forward,jumps to the command after matching [ command |
. | prints the byte at the data pointer |
, | takes a byte of data as input and stores it value in the byte of data pointer |
The following program prints Hello World!
Two test programs are provided : helloworld.bf and mandelbrot.bf Time taken by the interpreter to interpret mandelbrot.bf and to create the mandelbrot set is 7294.171278 seconds (around 2.02 hours).
The repository is under WTPFL License - see the LICENSE file for details
Although the interpreter was written by me, all the BrainFuck code was taken from here.