Notify is a powerful and intuitive note-taking app designed to help you capture, organize, and style your thoughts with ease. Here's what makes Notify special:
- ✨ Sleek Animations: Enjoy a smooth and engaging user experience with our custom animations.
- 🎨 Rich Text Styling: Express yourself with Markdown-style formatting powered by Markwon.
- 🔍 Smart Search: Find your notes quickly with our efficient search feature.
- 🕒 Timestamp Tracking: Keep track of when your notes were created and last edited.
- ↩️ Swipe to Delete & Undo: Easily manage your notes with swipe gestures and undo functionality.
- 🌙 Dark Mode: Easy on the eyes, day or night.
Notify is built with modern Android development practices and libraries:
- 🏗️ MVVM Architecture: Clean and maintainable code structure.
- 🧭 Navigation Component: Smooth and logical navigation flow.
- 🧩 Fragments: Modular UI components for flexibility.
- 💾 Room Database: Efficient local data storage and retrieval.
- 🧵 Coroutines: Smooth asynchronous operations and background tasks.
- 🖋️ Markwon: Powerful Markdown rendering for text styling.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the project in Android Studio
- Build and run the app on your device or emulator
We welcome contributions to Notify! If you have suggestions or find any issues, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Have questions or feedback? Reach out to us at [email protected] or open an issue on GitHub.
Made with ❤️ by Aditya