A fast, exact, and scalable algorithm for DBSCAN clustering.
This repository contains the implementation for the distributed spatial clustering algorithm proposed in the paper μDBSCAN: An Exact Scalable DBSCAN Algorithm for Big Data Exploiting Spatial Locality
Link to paper - https://adityaas.github.io/documents/MuDBSCAN_CLUSTER19.pdf
We propose an extremely efficient way to compute neighbourhood queries that not only improves the average time complexity but exhibits super-linear speed up on large astronomical datasets. Using the distributed variant of our algorithm, we were able to cluster 1 billion 3D points in under 42 minutes
To cite our work please use
A. Sarma et al., "μDBSCAN: An Exact Scalable DBSCAN Algorithm for Big Data Exploiting Spatial Locality," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2019, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891020.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies (gcc/g++, open-mpi)
- To run the distributed variant of the algorithm, a MPI cluster has to be setup
- Re-format your input according to the template below and store the file in a folder
<data_1_dim_1> <data_1_dim_2> ... <data_1_dim_dimension>
For example
1 20
2 20
2 19
8 15
8 14
7 15
9 14
9 17
12 17
11 18
- Running the sequential algorithm
./runs.sh <dataset> <epsilon> <minpts> <MinDegree Rtree> <MaxDegree Rtree>
- <dataset> is the name of the file formatted according to 1.
- <epsilon> represents the neighbourhood parameter (Anything within epislon distance from given point is considered a neighbour)
- <minpts> represents the density parameter. It defines the minimum number of neighbours required for a point to be classified as `dense`
- <MinDegree Rtree> and <MaxDegree Rtree> hyper-parameters and correspond to the minimum and maximum degree of the custom defined μC-RTree
- Running the distributed algorithm
./rund.sh <dataset> <epsilon> <minpts> <nodes> <hostfile> <MinDegree Rtree> <MaxDegree Rtree>
where <dataset>, <epsilon>, <minpts>, <MinDegree, Rtree>, <MaxDegree Rtree> are same as before and
- <nodes> number of nodes to use within the cluster
- <hostfile> list of nodes configured in the server (hostnames)