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Model Optimizer Tf

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Update: we released the model optimizer implemented by pytorch. It supports automatic pruning and quantization. The quantized model supports exporting to JIT/ONNX, and supports inferring on TVM/TensorRT.

Adlik model_optimizer_tf, focusing on and running on specific hardware to achieve the purpose of acceleration. Because sparsity pruning depends on special algorithms and hardware to achieve acceleration, the usage scenarios are limited. Adlik pruning focuses on channel pruning and filter pruning, which can really reduce the number of parameters and flops. In terms of quantization, Adlik focuses on 8-bit quantization that is easier to accelerate on specific hardware. After testing, it is found that running a small batch of datasets can obtain a quantitative model with little loss of accuracy, so Adlik focuses on this method. Knowledge distillation is another way to improve the performance of deep learning algorithm. It is possible to compress the knowledge in the big model into a smaller model.

The proposed framework mainly consists of two categories of algorithm components, i.e. pruner and quantizer. The pruner is mainly composed of five modules:core, scheduler, models, dataset and learner. The core module defines various pruning algorithms. The scheduler is responsible for the orchestration of each pruning algorithm process. The models module is responsible for the network definition of each model. The dataset module is responsible for the data loading and preprocessing. The learner is responsible for model training and fine-tuning, including the definition of each hyper-parameter. The quantizer includes calibration dataset, TF-Lite and TF-TRT quantization three modules.

We retrained all classification models on ImageNet-1k dataset, and the pretrained models are available download in adlik/model_zoo

Model strategy accuracy
resnet18 normal training 66.834%
resnet50 normal training 76.0%
resnet50-distill distillation 77.14%
resnet50-slim pruning + distillation 76.376%
resnet50-prune25 pruning + distillation 78.79%
resnet50-prune37.5 pruning + distillation 78.07%
resnet101 normal training 77.12%
resnet34 normal training 70.346%
mobilenet v1 normal training 70.63%
mobilenet v2 normal training 72.396%

System Structure

After filter pruning, model can continue to be quantized, the following table shows the accuracy of the pruned and quantized Lenet-5 and ResNet-50 models.

Model Baseline Pruned Pruned + Quantization(TF-Lite) Pruned + Quantization(TF-TRT)
LeNet-5 98.85 99.11(59% pruned) 99.05 99.11
ResNet-50 76.0 75.456(31.9% pruned) 75.158 75.28

The Pruner completely removes redundant parameters, which further leads to smaller model size and faster execution. The following table is the size of the above model files:

Model Baseline(H5) Pruned(H5) Quantization(TF-Lite) Quantization(TF-TRT)
LeNet-5 1176KB 499KB(59% pruned) 120KB 1154KB (pb)
ResNet-50 99MB 67MB(31.9% pruned) 18MB 138MB(pb)

Currently, the MobileNet-v1 model was only pruned but not quantized. We show the results of different pruning ratio, which was tested on ImageNet. The original test accuracy is 71.25%, and model size is 17MB.

Pruning ratio(%) FLOPs(%) Params(%) Test Accuracy(%) Size(MB)
25 -33.12 -38.37 69.658 11(-35.29%)
35 -51.32 -51.41 68.66 8.2(-51.76%)
50 -57.21 -67.69 66.87 5.5(-67.65%)

Knowledge distillation is an effective way to imporve the performance of model.

The following table shows the distillation result of ResNet-50 as the student network where ResNet-101 as the teacher network.

Student Model ResNet-101 Distilled Accuracy Change
ResNet-50 77.14% +0.97%

Ensemble distillation can significantly improve the accuracy of the model. In the case of cutting 72.8% of the parameters, using senet154 and resnet152b as the teacher network, ensemble distillation can increase the accuracy by more than 4%. The details are shown in the table below, and the code can refer to examples\

Model Accuracy Params FLOPs Model Size
ResNet-50 76.0 25610152 3899M 99M
+ pruned 72.28 6954152 ( 72.8% pruned) 1075M 27M
+ pruned + distill 76.376 6954152 ( 72.8% pruned) 1075M 27M
+ pruned + distill + quantization(TF-Lite) 75.938 - - 7.1M

The pruned model is obtained by setting pruning ratio of 0.5. Besides, we test distillation models with pruning ratios of 0.25 and 0.375, and get higher model accuracy of 78.79% and 78.07%, respectively.

1. Pruning and quantization principle

1.1 Filter pruning

Filter pruning is to cut out a complete filter. After cutting out the filter, the corresponding output feature map will be cut out accordingly. As shown in the following figure, after cutting out a Filter, the original output of four feature maps becomes three feature maps.

Prune Conv2D

If there is another convolution layer behind this convolution layer, because the next layer's input is now has fewer channels, we should also shrink the next layer's weights tensors, by removing the channels corresponding to the filters we pruned. As shown below, Each filter of the next convolutional layer originally had four Channels, which should be changed to three Channels accordingly.

Prune Relate Conv2D


1.2 Quantization

Compared to the quantization in the training phase, a description of the training model and a full data set are required. It takes a lot of computing power to complete the quantification of the large model. Small batch dataset quantization, only need to have inference model and very little calibration data to complete, and the accuracy loss of quantization is very small, and even some models will rise. Adlik only needs 100 sample images to complete the quantification of ResNet-50 in less than one minute.

1.3 Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation is a compression technique by which the knowledge of a larger model(teacher) is transfered into a smaller one(student). During distillation, a student model learns from a teacher model to generalize well by raise the temperature of the final softmax of the teacher model as the soft set of targets.


Refer to the paper Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network

2. Installation

These instructions will help get Adlik optimizer up and running on your local machine.

  1. Clone Adlik model_optimizer_tf
  2. Install the package

2.1 Clone Adlik model_optimizer_tf

Clone the Adlik model_optimizer_tf code repository from github:

git clone

2.2 Install the package

2.2.1 Install Open MPI

mkdir /tmp/openmpi && \
cd /tmp/openmpi && \
curl -fSsL -O && \
tar zxf openmpi-4.0.0.tar.gz && \
cd openmpi-4.0.0 && \
./configure --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default && \
make -j (nproc) all && \
make install && \
ldconfig && \
rm -rf /tmp/openmpi

2.2.2 Install python package

pip install tensorflow-gpu==2.5.0
pip install horovod==0.24.0
pip install mpi4py
pip install networkx
pip install jsonschema

3. Usage

The following uses LeNet-5 on the MNIST dataset to illustrate how to use Adlik model optimizer tf to achieve model training, pruning, and quantization.

3.1 Prepare data

3.1.1 Generate training and test datasets

Enter the tools directory and execute

cd tools

By default, the train.tfrecords and test.tfrecords files will be generated in the ../examples/data/mnist directory. You can change the default storage path with the parameter --data_dir.

3.1.2 Generate small batch data sets required for int-8 quantization

Enter the tools directory and execute

cd tools

By default, the mnist_tiny_100.tfrecord file will be generated in the ../examples/data/mnist_tiny directory.

3.1.3 Training

Enter the examples directory and execute

cd examples

After execution, the default checkpoint file will be generated in ./models_ckpt/lenet_mnist, and the inference checkpoint file will be generated in ./models_eval_ckpt/lenet_mnist. You can also modify the checkpoint_path and checkpoint_eval_path of the file to change the generated file path.

3.1.4 Pruning

Enter the examples directory and execute

cd examples

After execution, the default checkpoint file will be generated in ./models_ckpt/lenet_mnist_pruned, and the inference checkpoint file will be generated in ./models_eval_ckpt/lenet_mnist_pruned. You can also modify the checkpoint_path and checkpoint_eval_path of the file to change the generated file path.

3.1.5 Quantize and generate a TensorFlow Lite FlatBuffer file

Enter the examples directory and execute

cd examples

After execution, the default checkpoint file will be generated in ./models_ckpt/lenet_mnist_pruned, and the tflite file will be generated in ./models_eval_ckpt/lenet_mnist_quantized. You can also modify the export_path of the file to change the generated file path.

You can enter the tools directory and execute

cd tools

Verify accuracy after quantization

3.1.6 Quantize and generate a TensorFlow with TensorRT (TF-TRT) file

Enter the examples directory and execute

cd examples

After execution, the savedmodel file will be generated in ./models_eval_ckpt/lenet_mnist_quantized/lenet_mnist_tftrt/1 by default. You can also modify the export_path of the file to change the generated file path. You can enter the directory and execute

cd tools

Verify accuracy after quantization

4. Others

If you have a GPU that can be used for training acceleration, you can test the pruning and quantization for ResNet-50. This step is the same as described above. You can get detailed instructions from here.

4.1 Use multiple GPUs

     cd examples
     horovodrun -np 8 -H localhost:8 python

4.1 Adjust batch size and learning rate

Batch size is an important hyper-parameter for Deep Learning model training. If you have more GPU memory available, you can try larger batch size! You have to adjust the learning rate according to different batch size.

Model Card Batch Size Learning Rate
ResNet-50 V100 32GB 256 0.1
ResNet-50 P100 16GB 128 0.05