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Release Process

Jonathan Arbogast edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Public Releases

Create a Release Archive

  1. In Xcode, open your copy of the JotConnectAndSDK repo
  2. Select the JotTouchSDKTestRunner scheme
  3. Clean the project (Product->Clean)
  4. Run the unit tests and make sure they pass (Product->Test)
  5. Select the JotTouchSDKFramework scheme
  6. Archive the project (Product->Archive)

Update Documentation

  1. Make any documentation changes that are necessary
  2. Generate a new documentation set
    appledoc PathToArchivedFramework --project-name JotTouchSDK --project-company Adonit -d -o ~/Desktop

Commit and Push your Changes to JotConnectAndSDK

  1. Perform a commit with the message "Archive for release vx.x.x.x"
    git commit -m "Archive for release vx.x.x.x"
  2. Add a tag using a similar message
    git tag "vx.x.x.x"
  3. Push your changes
    git push
  4. Push your new tag
    git push --tags

Commit and Push your Changes to JotTouchSDK

  1. Copy the archive you created from DerivedData/Build/Intermediates/.../Uninstalled Products to JotTouchSDK
  2. Copy any documentation files that have changed from JotConnectAndSDK
  3. Commit your changes
    git commit -m "Version x.x.x.x"
  4. Add a tag using a similar message
    git tag "vx.x.x.x"
  5. Push your changes
    git push
  6. Push your new tag
    git push --tags

Commit and Push your Changes to JotTouchSDK Wiki

  1. Create a local copy of the JotTouchSDK Wiki
    git clone
  2. Copy the docset you created earlier
  3. Commit your changes
    git commit -m "Version x.x.x.x"
  4. Push your changes
    git push

Beta Releases

  1. Create an archive on your development machine
  2. Compress the resulting framework
  3. Rename the zipped framework to 'JotTouchSDK-vx.x.x.x'.zip
  4. Copy the zipped framework to Software/SDK/Private Releases on Dropbox
  5. Email the Dropbox link to whoever you want to give access to the beta
Clone this wiki locally