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Java implementation of Adrestus Protocol

Let’s Take Money Into The 21st Century with Adrestus.

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Table of Contents

What's Adrestus?

Adrestus is a project dedicated to building the infrastructure for a truly decentralized Internet.

  • Adrestus Protocol, offers scalable, high-availability and high-throughput support that underlies all the decentralized applications in the Adrestus ecosystem.

  • Adrestus enables large-scale development and engagement. With over 2000 transactions per second (TPS), high concurrency, low latency, and massive data transmission. It is ideal for building decentralized entertainment applications. Free features and incentive systems allow developers to create premium app experiences for users.

  • Scalability, privacy, and interoperability issues have prevented widespread implementation of blockchain technology. A multi-tier blockchain network called Adrestus was created to handle these problems.

Our main premise is that numerous blockchains will be developed to address distinct business difficulties in distinct industries. As a result, the Adrestus network is made to accommodate unique blockchain topologies and offer a trustless method for interoperability between chains.

We go into greater information about our design and project roadmap in the Adrestus White Papers.

The primary (Java) kernel implementation and updates for the Adrestus Network are available in this repository.

Building the source

Building java-Adrestus requires git and Oracle JDK 1.11 to be installed, other JDK versions are not supported yet. Make sure you operate on Linux , MacOS, Windows operating systems.

Clone the repo and switch to the master branch

$ git clone
$ cd Adrestus
$ git checkout -t origin/master

then run the following command to build java-Adrestus, the adrestus-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar file can be found in java-Adrestus/build/libs/ after build successful.

$ .mvn clean build -x test

Install Java on Linux Platforms

We highly recommend installing GraalVM instead of JDK for better performance

For existing Java applications, GraalVM can provide benefits by running them faster, providing extensibility via scripting languages, or creating ahead-of-time compiled native images. Apply Graal, an advanced optimizing compiler, that generates faster and leaner code requiring fewer compute resources Compile Java applications ahead-of-time to native binaries that start up instantly and deliver peak performance with no warmup time

GraalVM can run in the context of OpenJDK to make Java applications run faster with a new just-in-time compilation technology. GraalVM takes over the compilation of Java bytecode to machine code. In particular for other JVM-based languages such as Scala, this configuration can achieve benefits, as for example experienced by Twitter running GraalVM in production.

Follow these steps to install GraalVM Community Edition on the Linux operating system.

  • Navigate to the GraalVM Releases repository on GitHub. Select Java 11 based based distribution for the Linux AMD64 architecture, and download.

  • Change the directory to the location where you want to install GraalVM, then move the .tar.gz archive to it.

  • Unzip the archive:

    tar -xzf graalvm-ce-java<version>-linux-amd64-<version>.tar.gz

  • There can be multiple JDKs installed on the machine. The next step is to configure the runtime environment:

    • Point the PATH environment variable to the GraalVM Enterprise bin directory:

      export PATH=/path/to/<graalvm>/bin:$PATH

    • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to resolve to the installation directory:

      export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/<graalvm>

  • To check whether the installation was successful, run the java -version command.

Optionally, you can specify GraalVM as the default JRE or JDK installation in your Java IDE

Running a full node

JVM tuning is a systematic and complex task but it is highly necessary in order to get greater performance from the application. JVM tuning mostly entails improving garbage collection efficiency for applications running on virtual machines (VMs) to have a higher throughput while consuming less memory and experiencing reduced latency. Less memory and lower latency may not always equate to higher performance. It concerns making the best decision.

The three main ideas can make it simpler to apply garbage collection tweaking during the process in order to satisfy desired application performance requirements.

  • The goal of Minor GC is to reduce the frequency of Full GC for an application by collecting as many trash objects as it can each time.

  • The GC memory maximization concept states that the garbage collection process is more effective and the application runs more smoothly when addressing throughput and latency issues. Throughput, latency, and memory use should only be tuned for two of the three performance attributes. This is known as the "two out of three" principle in general computation (GC).

  • JVM tuning entails repeated iterations based on the outcomes of performance tests and ongoing configuration optimizations. Each of the preceding processes may go through several rounds before each target system measure is satisfied. It may be necessary to adjust the previous parameters several times in order to meet a particular metric, in which case all of the preceding procedures must be tried once more.

Thus we highly recommend to to run a full node with the following JVM parameters in mind.

   $ nohup java -Xms9G -Xmx9G -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m \
                -XX:MetaspaceSize=256m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m \
                -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G -XX:+PrintGCDetails \
                -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps  -Xloggc:gc.log \
                -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewRatio=2 \
                -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled \
                -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \
                -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly  -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 \
                -jar FullNode.jar >> start.log 2>&1 &

Hardware Requirements


  • CPU with 8 cores
  • 16GB RAM
  • 1TB free storage space to sync the Mainnet


  • CPU with 16+ cores(32+ cores for a super representative)
  • 32GB+ RAM(64GB+ for a super representative)
  • High Performance SSD with at least 1.5TB free space
  • 100+ MB/s download Internet service

The minimum hardware requirements are CPU with 8 cores,16GB RAM and 1TB free storage space to sync the Mainnet, the recommended hardware requirements:

  • CPU with 16+ cores(32+ cores for a super representative)
  • 32+ GB RAM(64+ GB for a super representative)
  • High Performance SSD with at least 1.5TB free space
  • 100+ MB/s download Internet service

Quick Start Tool

An easier way to build and run java-Adrestus is to use, is a quick start script written in shell language, you can use it to build and run java-Adrestus quickly and easily.

Here are some common use cases of the scripting tool

  • Use to start a full node with the downloaded FullNode.jar
  • Use to download the latest FullNode.jar and start a full node.
  • Use to download the latest source code and compile a FullNode.jar and then start a full node.

Run inside Docker container

One of the quickest ways to get java-Adrestus up and running on your machine is by using Docker:

$ docker run -d --name="java-Adrestus" \
             -v /your_path/output-directory:/java-Adrestus/output-directory \
             -v /your_path/logs:/java-Adrestus/logs \
             -p 8090:8090 -p 18888:18888 -p 50051:50051 \
             Adrestusprotocol/java-Adrestus \
             -c /java-Adrestus/config/main_net_config.conf

This will mount the output-directory and logs directories on the host, the tool can also be used to simplify the use of docker.

Package Organization

The main folders are:

Folder Content
config The config dependency.
consensus The consensus dependency.
core The core dependency.
crypto The crypto dependency.
network The network dependency.
protocol The protocol dependency.
util The util dependency.

Project Layout

Adrestus is split into various maven subpackages. The following packages provide core functionality to the Adrestus ecosystem, as well as other tools and commands:

  • config Holds configuration parameters. These include parameters used locally by the node as well as parameters that must be agreed upon by the protocol.
  • consensus Contains the Adrestus Byzantine Fault tolerant Agreement protocol's agreement service. Under the condition that sufficient account stake is correctly executing the protocol, this protocol enables participating accounts to swiftly confirm blocks in a fork-safe way.
  • core Different kinds used across the codebase are defined by data. basic kinds include things like addresses, account information, and macro algorithms. Accounts are classified as "root" accounts (which have financial authority) and "participation" accounts (which can participate in the agreement protocol). Accounts' ability to make transactions against the Adrestus state is defined by transactions. These include transactions for participation keys and normal payments. Blocks are groups of transactions that are atomically committed to Adrestus pools, which carry out the transaction pool and are defined by accounting. Before they are offered in a block, the transaction pool stores transactions that a node has viewed in memory. The agreement protocol's committee implements the credentials used to verify a participating account's membership. The Adrestus state machine, which maintains the block order, is also included. The state transitions that follow the application of these blocks are carried out by the core package.
  • ledjer It responds to questions about accounts and blocks, such as "What transactions were in the most recent committed block?" and "What is my balance?"
  • crypto Includes the cryptographic building blocks used for hashing, signatures, VDFs, and VRFs. Adrestus-specific information regarding spending keys, protocols keys, one-time signing keys, and how they relate to one another may also be found here.
  • network Consists of the code needed to join a Kademlia network using netty Sockets. Maintains connections with a set of peers, (optionally) accepts connections from peers, sends and receives point-to-point and broadcast messages, and routes messages received to different handler programs (such as network, agreement, or gossip).
  • protocol Implements the Adrestus logic, start receiving transactions from sockets initiate the consensus timer, and every 2 sockets the organizer of each zone packet of blocks with a bunch of transactions and send them for verification across the validators
  • util It includes helper functions or static methods that the project needs to build the core infrastructure



  • ✅ Cryptography
    • ✅ Mnemonic codes
    • ✅ Address Generation
    • ✅ Elliptic curves secp256k1
    • ✅ Elliptic curves Signature Verification (V,R,S)
    • ✅ Belare-Neven Signature
    • ✅ BLS Signature
    • ✅ Aggregated BLS Multi-signature
    • ✅ VRF
    • ✅ VDF
  • ✅ Core
    • ✅ Transaction
    • ✅ Block
    • ✅ Account
    • ✅ Merklee Trie with proofs
    • ✅ Optimized Merklee Patricia Trie
    • ✅ Ring buffer implementation for parallel execution
  • ✅ Execution
    • ✅ Transaction
    • ✅ Block
    • ✅ State update
    • ✅ Synchronization
    • ✅ Read/Writer Locks
    • ✅ Zone Fork choice
  • ✅ Message Handler
    • ✅ Transaction dispatcher
    • ✅ Transaction
    • ✅ State
    • ✅ Network - Message dispatching
  • ✅ Network
    • ✅ Optimized wiring protocol
    • ✅ publish/subscribe
  • ✅ Optimizations
    • ✅ Randomness
    • ✅ Consensus
  • ✅ Testing
    • ✅ Unit tests
    • ✅ Integration tests
    • ✅ TeamCity continuous integration
    • ✅ Manual testing

In progress

  • Staking/Delegation
  • Wallet Integration
  • Network
    • kademlia network discovery
  • Light Nodes Syncing
  • Consensus
    • change-view-protocol
  • Zones
    • Nodes dispatcher (shuffling)
  • VM
    • EVM Core
  • Testing
    • Automate tests with AWS
    • Nodes Monitoring
  • Smart Contracts
  • Privacy
    • Bloom Filters integration
  • Governance
    • Concept reviewed
  • Economics
    • Concept reviewed
  • Interoperability
  • Optimizations
  • Bugfixing


We plan in the near future to add a telegram and discord channel for the community members


Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes to Adrestus! If you'd like to contribute to java-Adrestus, please see the Contribution Guide for more details.

Please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base. If you wish to submit more complex changes though, please check up with the core developers first here on github, to ensure those changes are in line with the general philosophy of the project and/or get some early feedback which can make both your efforts much lighter as well as our review and merge procedures quick and simple.


  • Website java-Asrestus official website.
  • Documentation Adrestus official technical documentation website.


java-Adrestus is released under the Apache License 2.0.