This repostory contains various python scripts fo getting marked maps
All of these scripts use the file gps.txt located in ~/.ros/router directory to get data for the markers. The file should have the following format
number of markers
Latitude1 Longitude1
Latitude2 Longitude2
You can also refer to the sample gps.txt present in this repository.
This script generates a jpg map called map.jpg in the ~/.ros/router directory. The arguments it takes are-
- api_key : The bing API key to use with the REST Services
- center : The comma separated latitude and longitude of the center of the map
- pin_style : The style of the pins used to mark the maps. Please refer to this link to see the values for each pin style
- zoom : Zoom level of the map to be set
- size : Size of the map in pixels (height,width)
This script generates a html map called map.html in the ~/.ros/router directory. The arguments it takes are-
- center : The comma separated latitude and longitude of the center of the map
- zoom : Zoom level of the map to be set
This script generates a html map called map.html in the ~/.ros/router directory. The arguments it takes are-
- center : The comma separated latitude and longitude of the center of the map
- zoom : Zoom level of the map to be set
- size : Size of the marker to be used
This script generates a png map called map.png in the ~/.ros/router directory. The arguments it takes are-
- api_key : The google API key to use with the Google Cloud Platform
- center : The comma separated latitude and longitude of the center of the map
- zoom : Zoom level of the map to be set
- size : Size of the map in pixels (heightxwidth)