Drawing UI Kit based on http://kbsportfolio.com/2011/10/16/resource-for-designer-cloudy-ui-kit/
Gem on rubygems http://rubygems.org/gems/cloudy_ui
Make sure you've loaded CloudyUi
require 'cloudy_ui'
Load images before usage
CloudyUi::load_images window
Button states are :normal, :hover or :active
CloudyUi::Button.draw x, y, z, width, height, state
progress slided on slider in range 0..1
center of blue selection on slider in range 0..1
CloudyUi::Slider.draw x, y, z, width, progress, center=0
RadioButton states are :full and :empty
CloudyUi::RadioButtondraw x, y, z, state
A Window, an area for the ui elements
CloudyUi::Window.draw window, x, y, z, width, height