Author: Afaan Bilal
HyperDB CLI is a command line interface (CLI) for the HyperDB Server.
$ docker run --rm -it afaanbilal/hyperdb-cli -a http://host.docker.internal:8765
Connected to http://host.docker.internal:8765
> ?
[HyperDB Client]
HELP | ? Print this help message
PING Ping server
VERSION | VER Get server version
HAS [key] Check if there is a value for [key]
GET [key] Get the value for [key]
SET [key] [value] Set the [value] for [key]
DEL [key] Delete the value for [key]
EMPTY Check if the store is empty
ALL Get all stored data
CLEAR Delete all stored data from memory
SAVE Save stored data to disk
RELOAD Reload store from disk
RESET Delete all stored data from memory and disk
$ cargo run
Connected to http://localhost:8765
> ?
[HyperDB Client]
HELP | ? Print this help message
PING Ping server
VERSION | VER Get server version
HAS [key] Check if there is a value for [key]
GET [key] Get the value for [key]
SET [key] [value] Set the [value] for [key]
DEL [key] Delete the value for [key]
EMPTY Check if the store is empty
ALL Get all stored data
CLEAR Delete all stored data from memory
SAVE Save stored data to disk
RELOAD Reload store from disk
RESET Delete all stored data from memory and disk
All contributions are welcome. Please create an issue first for any feature request or bug. Then fork the repository, create a branch and make any changes to fix the bug or add the feature and create a pull request. That's it! Thanks!
HyperDB CLI is released under the MIT License. Check out the full license here.