A django application that gets data from hackernews api and store to its database periodically. Incluciding basic fetures peovided through the api endpoint. With a vue + typescript frontend to display the data & TailwindCSS for styling.
- A Django rest framework api for
- Displaying latest stories
- Filtering stories
- Searching stories
- Getting a particular story
- Creating, Deleting, Updating Stories
- Scheduled new story update with django-apscheduler
- Storing stories and comments to the database
fetch_story(story_id): Fetches individual story data from Hacker News API and updates the Django database with the story details.
fetch_top_stories_and_comments(): Gets each individual story id, invokes fetch_story() to process each story, and stores them in the database. backend/views.py
fetch_comment(story_data, comment_id): Fetches the comments if kids are available in stories, Also stores the associated story as the parent parameter of the comment creating a One -- many relationship
start(request): Initiates a background scheduler that triggers the fetching of Hacker News stories.
task_runner.py: This file helps run the scheduler task present in task.py at the beginning of the server automatically, with additional aid from -
- init.py
- apps.py
LatestStoriesView: Retrieves the latest stories from the database.
FilteredStoriesView: Retrieves filtered stories based on categories.
StorySearchView: Allows searching for stories using specific keywords.
StoryDetailView: Retrieves, updates, or deletes individual stories.(it allows only the deleting and updating of personally created stories)
StoryDetailView: This also provides enpoint in the URL pattern stories/int:pk/ corresponding to this view and handles GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests for a specific story based on its primary key (pk). Retrieving a Story (GET request): Send a GET request to retrieve a specific story by its ID:
http Copy code GET /stories/<story_id>/ This will return the details of the story with the specified ID.
Creating a Story (POST request): Send a POST request with the necessary data to create a new story:
http Copy code POST /stories/ Content-Type: application/json
{ "title": "New Story Title", "by": "Author", "descendants": 0, "score": 0, "text": "Story content", "time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z", "type": "story", "created_in_api": true } This will create a new story with the provided details.
Updating a Story (PUT request): Send a PUT request with the updated data to modify an existing story:
http Copy code PUT /stories/<story_id>/ Content-Type: application/json
{ "title": "Updated Story Title", "by": "New Author", "text": "Updated story content" ... } This will update the details of the story with the specified ID.
Deleting a Story (DELETE request): Send a DELETE request to remove a story:
http Copy code DELETE /stories/<story_id>/
--> Clone the repository using the command below :
git clone https://github.com/AghahowaJeffrey/hackernews-app
--> Installing pipenv virtual environment
pip install pipenv
--> Move into the directory where we have the project files :
cd hackernews
cd backend
--> Create a virtual environment and install needed pages :
# Let's install needed packages inside the pipenv enviroment
pipenv install
--> To run the App, we use :
cd backend
python manage.py runserver
⚠ Then, the development server may be started at
--> Move into the directory where we have the project files :
cd frontend
--> Installing all needed Dev Dependencies from package.json :
npm install
--> To run the App, we use :
npm run dev
⚠ Then, the development server may be started at
- VS Code + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
- make it stop running immediately all the task for that job has been recieved