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A template project for the ITU Database Systems course.

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This repository contains a template project for the Database Systems course of the Istanbul Technical University Computer Engineering Department. The project uses the Python language, the Flask web application framework, and the PostgreSQL database.

How to use this repository

ITU students

  • Create a GitHub organization for your team using the name that was assigned to your team (in the form itucsdb18NN where NN is your team number).
  • Fork this repository into that organization.
  • Rename the repository so that it will have the same name as the team.
  • (Every team member) Clone the repository to your local machine.


Run the following command to install the dependencies:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You can now start the application using the command:

$ python

And when you visit the address http://localhost:5000/ you should see the "Hello, world!" message.

Alternatively, you can also start the application using the command:

$ gunicorn server:app

In this case, the address will be http://localhost:8000/.

Deploying to Heroku

  • Use the button below to deploy your application to Heroku. (ITU students: Only one team member needs to do this.)

    Deploy to Heroku
  • As "App name" enter your team name, and click the "Deploy app" button.

  • Now when you click the "View" button you should access your application under the address

We want to set up our project so that whenever commits are pushed to the GitHub repo the application will be automatically deployed to Heroku.

  • Click the "Manage app" button and choose the "Deploy" tab.
  • For deployment method, choose "GitHub (Connect to GitHub)" and under its options choose "Automatic deploys from GitHub".
  • If requested, allow Heroku to access your repositories. (ITU students: In the authorization form, also grant access to the organization repositories before submitting the form.)
  • Choose your repository, click the "Connect" button, and then click the "Enable automatic deploys" button.

In your code, change the "Hello, world!" message, and commit and push your change to GitHub. A while later the application on Heroku should display the new message. You can use the activity tab on Heroku to see how deployments are going.


By default, the project is meant to be used with a PostgreSQL server. You can use any PostgreSQL installation but a Dockerfile is provided for convenience. Docker will host the PostgreSQL client under the hood. Docker is a container for your programs which allows you to unify development/testing/production environments.

In MacOS, you can install Docker from its official website

Many Linux distributions has Docker in its official package repositories.

Before running Docker, you may need to start Docker service in Linux. This can be done by many ways, one is explained below: It is quite advanced for new Linux user but it is manageble.

Another options is to start Docker Daemon manually, Which can be achieved by one of following commands:

  • $ sudo systemctl start docker
  • $ sudo service docker start
  • $ sudo dockerd

After making sure that Docker daemon is up and running, you are ready to build/start containers.

To build the container, run:: (You may need to have root privelege for using Docker depending on Docker Daemon. If it is the case, add sudo to commands.)

$ docker build -t itucsdb .

The command for running the container is:

$ docker run -P --name postgres itucsdb

If you have a PostgreSQL client you can connect to the server using the username itucs, the password itucspw and the database itucsdb. The server will be accessible through the host localhost but you have to figure out the port number:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
d58b35f6503b        itucsdb             "/usr/lib/postgresql…"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes>5432/tcp   postgres

In this example, under the PORTS column, you can see that the port number is 32775.

If you don't have a PostgreSQL client, you can use another docker instance:

$ docker run -it --rm --link postgres:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U itucs itucsdb

You should arrange the script to properly initialize your database. This script requires that you provide the database URL as an environment variable, so here's an example of how you can run it:

$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://itucs:itucspw@localhost:32775/itucsdb" python

Deploying Documentation

Documentation is located in docs/source directory. You should change ITUCSDB18NN in file to match your team name.

Travis-CI will be used to automatically publish Sphinx documentation in Github Pages.

  • Create a token by visiting page and clicking on "Generate new token".
  • Select public_repo permission, generate the token and copy it to clipboard.
  • Enable your project in (ITU students: only one team member needs to do this).
  • In project settings (in Travis-CI) add your token in "Environment Variables" section.
  • Set variable name as GH_TOKEN and paste your token to the value. "Display value in build log" should be off.
  • After pushing anything to the master branch, your documentation will become visible at


A template project for the ITU Database Systems course.






No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 62.6%
  • HTML 34.6%
  • CSS 1.6%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • JavaScript 0.1%